
Det danske softwarefirma DecideAct går på børsen

DecideAct A/S har ansøgt om optagelse til handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark. Udbudsperioden løber fra 26. november til 9. december 2020. DecideAct har udviklet en banebrydende cloudløsning, der hjælper virksomheder med at føre deres strategier ud i livet. Nu går softwarefirmaet på Børsen for at virkeliggøre sin egen vækststrategi.

Tre ud af fire virksomhedsstrategier føres aldrig ud i livet eller når ikke deres mål. Det betyder at der verden over spildes 3 millioner dollars på fejlslagne strategier – hvert minut. Det vil firmaet DecideAct lave om på med en banebrydende cloudløsning, der hjælper virksomheder med at føre deres strategier ud i livet.

DecideAct, som har hovedkontor i Nexø på Bornholm, satser på at blive det ledende globale brand inden for kategorien Strategy Execution Management. Og det er der gode muligheder for, vurderer CEO og founder Flemming Videriksen.

” Vi er i et marked der modnes. Efterspørgslen stiger. Og vi har et produkt, der er ekstremt konkurrencedygtigt,” siger han. ”Vores cloudløsning er som skabt til den nye virkelighed, hvor virksomheder arbejder sammen på distancen. Derfor mener vi også, at timingen er rigtig til at realisere en meget ambitiøs vækststrategi.”

”Baseret på salgserfaringen fra det islandske testmarked med 6 % af virksomhederne i vores målgruppe, er salgspotentialet alene i Norden flere end 500 kunder i løbet af de næste tre år. Lander vi bare halvdelen i den periode, ser det meget lovende ud. Men vores ambitioner rækker ud over Norden, og børsnoteringen skal ses som et udtryk for, at vi mener det alvorligt,” understreger Videriksen.

Teamet bag DecideAct, som er spredt på flere lokationer i Europa og Nordamerika, har brugt de seneste fem år på at udvikle og finpudse cloudløsningen sammen med islandske kunder som Icelandair, Blue Lagoon, Samkaup og Reykjavik Energy – verdens største producent af geotermisk energi. Hver uge kommer der nye henvendelser i salgskanalen. Og med udgangen af 2020 estimerer DecideAct at have kontrakter for mere end 5 mio. kroner i årlig abonnementsomsætning.

Udbudsperioden løber fra 26. november til 9. december 2020, og udbudskursen er DKK 8,15 pr. aktie, svarende til en før-værdiansættelse på DKK 42 mio. Det maksimale udbud af nye aktier er DKK 18,5 mio., hvoraf 36% er forhåndstegnet inden tilbudsperioden åbner.

Detaljer om udbuddet samt øvrigt materiale kan findes på:


DecideAct: CEO, Flemming Videriksen+ 45 78756550E-mail: ir@decideact.netDecideAct A/SØstre Kajgade 3, 3730 Nexø, Denmark 

Presse: Bo FeierskovE-mail: 

Certified Advisor: Keswick Global AG+ 43 1 740 408045 E-mail:

Om DecideAct A/S

DecideAct er en dedikeret udbyder af løsninger, der flytter manuel implementering og opfølgning af strategi til en cloudbaseret Strategy Execution Management-løsning. Ved at nytænke måden, strategi implementeres på, har DecideAct skabt et banebrydende værktøj, som kan hjælpe virksomheder og organisationer med at komme i mål med deres strategier. DecideActs vision er at modernisere strategisk lederskab gennem teknologi.

Strategy Execution Management er en ny kategori, som er interessant af flere grunde: For det første fordi alle virksomheder arbejder med strategi. For det andet fordi de fleste virksomheder oplever, at deres strategier strander i implementeringen. Og for det tredje fordi de fleste virksomheder ikke har en digital løsning til strategi-implementering.


The expected gross proceeds are DKK 7 – 18.5 million.  · Only new shares are offered · The offer price is DKK 8.15, corresponding to a pre-money valuation ofDecideAct before the offer of DKK 42 million. · The tender period runs from 26 November to 9 December 2020. · Publication of the result of the offering is expected to take place on December11 and the first trading day is expected to be December 16. · Offer price: DKK 8.15 per share of nominally DKK 0.10. Number of sharesbefore the offer: 5,290,539 · 36% of the maximum offer of DKK 18.5 million has been signed before the offerperiod opens.Reason for the offering DecideAct is seeking funds to drive its marketing and sales capability. The Companybelieves that it is in a market situation that is an early stage Product Life Cycle with afairly low market maturity, it is important to be ahead of thecurve and thus enjoy asmuch first mover advantage as possible.DecideAct’s aim is not only to scale its sales and support functions, but also to allocateresources to increasing awareness in the market. The Founders will draw on their vastinternational experience to spread the word, but they have also teamed up with some ofthe world’s prominent thought leaders when it comes to evangelizing modern StrategyExecution Management. Financial performance and expectations 

For the past two years, test marketing has been conducted in Iceland to test interest and purchase cycle. With a relatively modest effort, DecideAct has produced extremely good results that have also indicated the potential in the Nordic markets in the coming years. DecideAct anticipates that the client base will add up to at least 250 licenses by 2023 corresponding to an MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) of approximately DKK 5 million and a corresponding ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) of approximately DKK 57 million, which is more than 10 times the expected MRR at the end of 2020.

 Business description Company description, subscription form and further information is available via the company's investor website: The company description is also available as a link at the bottom of this press release. For more information, see the website: New Offered Shares The Offering comprises a maximum of 2,269,939 new shares, corresponding to gross proceeds of DKK 18.5 million. The minimum supply is 855,428 new shares, corresponding to gross proceeds of DKK 7 million. If there are no investors for the minimum offering of 855,428 shares, the offer will not be completed.  Existing Shareholders None of the existing shareholders are selling shares at the offering and all major shareholders are subject to lock-up for a period of at least 12 months for 90% of their current shares.  Submission of subscription orders The new shares can be subscribed by submitting an electronic subscription order via the investor's own account-holding bank or by submitting the subscription form to the investor's own account-holding bank. Minimum subscription is 600 shares corresponding to DKK 4,890 per subscription order. Publication of the results of the offer is expected to take place on 11 December 2020.  ISIN code and symbol The company has one share class. The new shares are settled in a temporary ISIN DK0061414554 upon completion of the tender. When the share capital increase is registered with the Danish Business Authority, the new shares will be issued and admitted to trading in the same permanent ISIN code as the existing shares. The permanent ISIN code for the shares is DK0061414471 and the shares have beenapplied for trading under the ticker "ACT".  Admission to trading The new shares and the existing shares are conditionally approved for admission to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark, subject to completion of the offering and fulfilment of Nasdaq First North Growth Market's requirements for shareholder distribution and free float. The first trading day for the shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark is expected to be December 16, 2020

Important information

This notice does not constitute a business description or prospectus. No person should buy or subscribe for shares in DecideAct A/S, unless this is done on the basis of information in the company description published by DecideAct in connection with the offering and admission of shares to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark. The company description is available on the Company's website. This notice does not constitute an offer to sell or an invitation to offer to purchase shares issued by the Company in any jurisdiction where such offer or sale would be illegal and the notice and information contained therein may not be directly or indirectly distributed or disclosed in or to such jurisdictions. The offering is carried out in accordance with Danish law and the new shares are only offered in Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.

Relationships dealt with in this Communication may constitute forward-looking statements that do not constitute historical facts. The forward-looking statements in this announcement are based on a number of assumptions, many of which are based on additional assumptions. Although DecideAct estimates that these assumptions were reasonable as they were made, they are inherently associated with significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, unforeseen events, and other material issues that are difficult or impossible to predict or beyond the control of the Company. Such risks, uncertainties, unforeseen events, and other material matters may cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements contained herein. The information, views and forward-looking statements contained in this notice apply only to the date of publication of this notice and are subject to change without notice.



Flemming Videriksen, CEO & Founder
Mobile: +45 27114460

Flemming VideriksenCEO, Founder

Expert in sstrategy design, strategy execution management and cultural change in organizations. For more than 25 years, Flemming has been a trusted advisor and executive coach to top organizational leaders around the world.



Information om DecideAct

Østre Kajgade 3
3730 Nexø


DecideAct er en cloudbaseret platform til implementering og eksekvering af strategi. Med DecideAct bliver en virksomheds strategiske performance lige så konkret, transparent og målbar som dens finansielle performance.

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DecideAct underskriver kontrakt med Hope Aero - Canadas førende specialist i vedligeholdelse af flykomponenter23.8.2022 09:28:08 CEST | Pressemeddelelse

Den danske softwarevirksomhed DecideAct, som tilbyder en SaaS-løsning, der hjælper virksomheder med Strategy Execution Management, har underskrevet en kontrakt med den canadiske virksomhed Hope Aero, Canadas førende specialist i vedligeholdelse af flykomponenter. Aftalen omfatter både en ekspertservice, der skal hjælpe med at afklare de strategiske prioriteter, samt DecideActs digitale infrastruktur til strategieksekvering.

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