Nivaagaards Malerisamling

The Nivaagaard Collection presents in 2024: 'Rembrandt Reunited' and 'The joy of everyday life - in the Netherlands and Denmark'


In 2024, The Nivaagaard Collection in North Zealand, Denmark, begins an ambitious exhibition year January 28 with the special exhibition The joy of everyday life - in the Netherlands and Denmark, where visitors can look forward to beautifully curated everyday moments in famous masterpieces, and forgotten treasures from the exuberant 17th century Dutch art scene and the 19th century Danish Golden Age.

In September, the museum opens its doors to a historic moment with the focus exhibition Rembrandt Reunited, where two Rembrandt portraits are brought together following 223 years of separation. An international team of researchers is working hard to find out if the two paintings are related before The Nivaagaard Collection's Rembrandt painting Portrait of a 39-year-old Woman from 1632 gets a visit from The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Portrait of a 40-year-old Man from New York.


28.1. - 16.6. 2024

Quiet moments and hard toil, lively company and rowdy parties, love and fights – and all the pauses in between. The joy of everyday life - in the Netherlands and Denmark is a magnificent special exhibition about two periods in art history that, although 200 years apart, broke with the motifs of earlier times and allowed everyday life to take over canvases and decorations in the homes of that time. In the prolific 17th century Dutch art scene, painters increasingly turned their attention to depicting everyday events and objects. In the 1800s, Denmark followed suit with the same motifs in art, which later became known as the Danish Golden Age.

The exhibition focuses on genre painting - depictions of folk life where anonymous people play the main role in narrative scenes in everyday surroundings. The images are often sensuous and humorous, quirky or moralizing - and always brimming with detail. Like small windows, the paintings open up to intimate spaces, wild worlds, untameable emotions, great beauty, desire and a zest for life.

With more than 100 works and loans from leading museums and private collections in the Netherlands, America, France, England, Sweden and Denmark, the exhibition brings together celebrated masterpieces and forgotten treasures from two significant periods that sought to bring ordinary people's lives into art.

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2.9. - 10.11. 2024

120 years ago, Johannes Hage, a landowner in Nivå, bought a genuine Rembrandt entitled Portrait of a 39-year-old Woman from 1632, which can be seen today at The Nivaagaard Collection. Historically, it has been suggested several times that the work may be a counterpart to the same artist's male portrait entitled Portrait of a 40-year-old man, which belongs to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The two works previously belonged to the same private collection, from which they were sold in 1801, and there are several indications that the two works were once a pair.

Based on The Nivaagaard Collection's current research project in the Dutch Baroque collection, with Dr. Angela Jager, RKD-Netherlands Institute for Art History, and Rembrandt specialist Prof. Dr. Jørgen Wadum as special consultant, a number of studies have been launched to solve the mystery of the connection between the two works.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has also agreed to lend their work to The Nivaagaard Collection in 2024, making it possible to see the two Rembrandts together again for the first time in 223 years.

The focus exhibition Rembrandt Reunited opens on September 2, 2024 with an international research seminar where the results of the extensive technical research will be presented and compared with the observations that art historians can only make in front of the two works side by side in real life.

After the seminar, the reunited portraits by Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn can be viewed by all visitors until November 10, 2024.

Download press photos for Rembrandt Reunited - choose the category 'Rembrandt Reunited'

Read more about the upcoming exhibitions at The Nivaagaard Collection 2024


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