See the photos: HM The Queen, star architect and Vice-Chancellor of Germany inaugurate new museum of refugee stories

One of the most anticipated buildings of 2022 was inaugurated today in Oksbøl on the west coast of Jutland. A museum that sets a whole new standard for museums, both in architecture and exhibitions.
More than 300 invited guests and members of the press attended the inauguration of FLUGT, where The Queen was joined by, among others, Germany's Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck, Minister of the Interior and Housing Christian Rabjerg Madsen and Germany's Minister for International Cultural Affairs Katja Keul.
The museum, which opens to the public on 29 June, is dedicated to refugees and their stories. Based on the last hundred years of refugee flows to Denmark, the museum conveys the universal issues, emotions and nuances of being a refugee.
Uncompromising architecture and exhibitions that link history and current affairs
In FLUGT, past and present merge in a building that both respects the history of the place and points to the future. The original buildings from Denmark's largest refugee camp have been preserved and a spectacular corten steel-clad new building has been added.
Inside, innovative and engaging exhibitions bring the many refugee stories to life and invite reflection and conversation.
Download drone film recorded over the museum on 25 June (opens new link)
- Attending the inauguration: HM The Queen, Vice-Chancellor of Germany Robert Habeck, Minister of the Interior and Housing Christian Rabjerg Madsen, German Minister for International Cultural Affairs Katja Keul and the museum's architect, Bjarke Ingels.
- The German state and the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein as well as the municipality of Varde have provided extraordinary support for the construction of the museum.
- The exhibitions have been made possible with generous support from the Nordea Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation and the Jyllands-Postens Foundation, among others.
- 50 tonnes of Corten steel were used for the new building.
- The museum's foyer is created from 110 glulam trusses, which together form the curved shape. No two of the 110 trusses are the same.
- The Oksbøl Refugee Camp was approximately four square kilometres and five miles in circumference.
- At its largest, the camp housed 35,000 refugees and was the size of Denmark's fifth largest city.
- The museum opens to the public on 29 June.
- Read more about FLUGT - Refugee Museum of Denmark at
Louise Thuesen
Head of Public Relations and Communication
22 65 52 04
Information om FLUGT – Refugee Museum of Denmark
FLUGT er støttet af: Den danske stat, Den tyske stat, Varde Kommune, Delstaten Schleswig-Holstein, Nordea-fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Jyllands-Postens Fond, Dronning Margrethe og Prins Henriks Fond, Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, Michael Jebsen Fonden, Herman Niermann Stiftung og William Demant Fonden.
Vardemuseerne åbnede i 2017 den internationale museumsattraktion Tirpitz, der også er tegnet af BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group. Tirpitz ligger i Blåvand og er siden åbningen blevet besøgt af op mod 1 million gæster. Vardemuseerne står bag i alt 10 museer med vidt forskellige temaer som kunst, historie og arkæologi og har derudover afdelinger for naturformidling samt formidling til skoler.
Das Museum FLUGT wird unterstützt von: Königreich Dänemark, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Varde Kommune, Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein, Nordea-fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Jyllands-Postens Fond, Dronning Margrethe og Prins Henriks Fond, Volksbund Deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge, Michael Jebsen Fonden, Herman Niermann Stiftung, William Demant Fonden.
Die Vardemuseerne haben 2017 die internationale Museumsattraktion Tirpitz eröffnet, die ebenfalls von der BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group entworfen wurde. Tirpitz liegt im Ort Blåvand und verzeichnet seit der Eröffnung rund eine Million Besucher. Die Vardemuseerne sind der Träger von insgesamt zehn sehr vielfältigen Museen, deren Ausstellungen sich über Kunst, Geschichte, Archäologie erstrecken. Darüber hinaus gibt es Abteilungen für Naturvermittlung sowie den Austausch mit Schulen.
FLUGT is supported by: the Danish State, the German State, Varde Municipality, the State of Schleswig-Holstein, the Nordea Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation, the Jyllands-Postens Foundation, the Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik Foundation, the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, the Michael Jebsen Foundation, the Herman Niermann Foundation and the William Demant Foundation.
In 2017, Vardemuseerne opened the international museum attraction Tirpitz, also designed by BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group. Tirpitz is located in Blåvand and has been visited by up to 1 million visitors since its opening. Vardemuseerne is responsible for a total of 10 museums with very different themes such as art, history and archaeology and also has departments for nature education and education for schools.
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