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Mdundo is a leading music service for Africa with millions of people streaming and downloading music from our app and website every month. We aim to provide Africa’s millions of internet users with easy access to music whilst contributing structure, legality, and income to the sector. A/S: African Music Service Mdundo And Universal Music Group Announce Licensing Agreement For Key African Markets8.7.2022 09:10:51 CEST | Press release A/S, one of Africa’s leading music services, today announced that it has reached an agreement with Universal Music Group (UMG), the world leader in music-based entertainment, to license the service across key African territories. Under this new licensing agreement, Universal Music Group and will strengthen Mdundo’s music offering for fans by providing them access to the world’s most comprehensive music catalog, as well as further increasing Universal Music Africa’s (UMA’s) reach within the African market in line with Mdundo’s ambitions for rapid market growth across the continent. Mdundo CEO, Martin Møller Nielsen explains, “Our focus is to provide a relevant service to the hundreds of millions of potential users in Africa that are getting online. In recent years, has reported explosive growth, from 5 million monthly users in June 2020 to an expected 19-20 million monthly active users in June 2022 and a +225% growth in revenue for the year ending June 2 når 13,3 mio. månedlige aktive brugere – tæt på tredoblet siden IPO’en på First North i juni 202010.1.2022 15:09:30 CET | Pressemeddelelse

Den afrikanske musiktjeneste, som er børsnoteret på Nasdaq First North Growth Markets i København, har offentliggjort nye brugertal for december 2021. Tjenesten runder 13 millioner månedlige aktive brugere, hvilket afspejler en vækst på over 8 millioner månedlige aktive brugere siden selskabet blev børsnoteret i september 2020.

Mdundo is a leading music service for Africa with millions of people streaming and downloading music from our app and website every month. We aim to provide Africa’s millions of internet users with easy access to music whilst contributing structure, legality, and income to the sector.

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