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Mdundo is a leading music service for Africa with millions of people streaming and downloading music from our app and website every month. We aim to provide Africa’s millions of internet users with easy access to music whilst contributing structure, legality, and income to the sector.

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Vis Alle Financial guidance and strategy update for FY 2024/25, expecting 40 million MAUs and an improvement of DKK 1 - 3 million in EBITDA13.6.2024 19:41:15 CEST | A/S | Company Announcement, a leading African music platform, announces the guidance for the fiscal year 2024/25 covering the period from July 2024 to June 2025. The company expects to improve EBITDA significantly from expected minus DKK 6 - 7 million in 2023/24 to minus DKK 4 - 5 million moving towards EBITDA positive. Mdundo is expecting to limit the focus on customer acquisition while focusing on improving the unit economics, as a result hereof, the company is replacing the long term goal of 50 million monthly active users by 2025 to 40 million monthly active users by June 2025. The company still has a goal of positive EBITDA by the end of calendar year 2025.

1 vedhæftning quarterly statement: Reaches 34.5 million monthly users, on track for year on year EBITDA improvement16.4.2024 15:53:24 CEST | A/S | Interim information

Company Announcement Number 06-2024 Highlights: User Growth Trajectory: maintains its upward trajectory, reaching 34.5 million monthly active users in March 2024, marking a 41% increase from the previous year. The company anticipates further growth, projecting an increase to 35 million monthly active users by June 2024 and aiming for 50 million by 2025. Revenue Outlook: Targeting revenue of DKK 12-14 million for the financial year ending June 2024. EBITDA Improvement: The company expects a year on year improvement and with an expected minus DKK 6 to 7 million, is demonstrating progress towards its strategic goal of being EBITDA positive. Regional Focus and Stakeholder Engagements: expanded its market presence with targeted campaigns, engaging audiences in regions such as northern Nigeria and Kenya's Kalenjin tribe. Furthermore, the company hosted successful stakeholder events, such as the "Mdundo Mixers" in Uganda and Ghana, driving insights, conversati

2 vedhæftninger is adjusting guidance for the current financial year, expecting improved EBITDA and lower revenue as a result of currency fluctuations.26.3.2024 13:51:37 CET | A/S | Company Announcement

The company, a leading music service in Africa, is adjusting EBITDA expectations from minus DKK 6.5 - 7.5 million to between minus DKK 6.0 - 7.0 million as well as adjusting the revenue expectations from DKK 14-17 million to DKK 12-14 million for the financial year ending June 2024. The adjustment is a result of a significant depreciation of the Nigerian naira by 38% against DKK in the period 31st January to 24th March. Since the beginning of the financial year the naira has declined by 53% against DKK.

1 vedhæftning A/S: Issuing of warrants to employees29.2.2024 14:07:06 CET | A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement Number 04-2024 The Board of Directors of A/S‘ (the “Company”) has decided to exercise part of its authoritization to issue and grant warrants, and has thus issued a total of 105,000 warrants to key employees of the Company and the Company‘s subsidiary (the “Employees”). Each warrant can be exercised to subsribe for one share of nominally DKK 0.10 in the Company. The Board of Directors is authoritized to issue a total of 1,019,666 warrants. By the decision of issuing 105,000 warrants the Board of Directors has issued a total of 995,000 warrants each entitle the holder to subscribe for one share of nominally DKK 0.10. The purpose of the issuing of warrants is to retain and motivate key employees of the Company, to honor already performed tasks and work as well as to provide incentive for them to make a special effort for the value creation of the Company. Each warrant gives the right to subscribe for one newly issued share in the Company of nominally DKK 0

1 vedhæftning A/S reaches new milestone of 30.8 million monthly active users in December 2023 and limits cash-burn to DKK 2.1 million in 1H 2023/247.2.2024 20:20:14 CET | A/S | Interim information

The company is presenting a solid half-year report with steep growth in monthly active users reaching 30.8 million. The company had a slight overall decline in revenue however with a steep growth in subscriber revenue of 48% and an improved EBITDA of 21% compared to the same period last year.

2 vedhæftninger Nedjusterer guidance for omsætningen i 2023/24 og forventer nu en vækst på 11-35% fra sidste regnskabsår, ned fra en tidligere forventet vækst på 35-67%. EBITDA og bruger-guidance fastholdes7.12.2023 12:01:39 CET | A/S | Selskabsmeddelelse

Den afrikanske musiktjeneste,, har nedjusteret forventningerne til omsætningen for regnskabsåret 23/24 fra tidligere meddelt DKK 17 - 21 mio. kr. til DKK 14 - 17 mio. kr. Den nye forventning repræsenterer en vækst på 11-35 % i forhold til det seneste regnskabsår. EBITDA-forventningerne er uændrede, og selskabet lægger vægt på en fortsat stærk vækst fra betalende abonnenter.

2 vedhæftninger 1st Quarter Report 2023-24: Hitting 29.2 million monthly active users in September 202312.10.2023 09:19:22 CEST | A/S | Interim information

Company announcement no. 6-2023 HIGHLIGHTS Contentious strong user growth: reaches 29.2 million monthly active users in September 2023, up from 21.5 million in September 2022 representing a 36% growth. Strategic Partnerships with Aleph Group: has appointed Aleph Group as the reseller of audio ads in key African territories, Aleph is a reseller of X, Meta, Snapchat, Tiktok, Spotify and Google advertising in Africa. Contentious growth of talk-audio and podcast content: The service is experiencing a further growth of podcast and talk-audio content. In September 2023, 4% of all downloads were from this category, up from 2% in March 2023. This is in alignment with the vision of providing Africa with easy and legal access to online entertainment, and not only music. The most popular categories include music reviews, football highlights and educational content. OUTLOOK - Strategic Goals: A/S aims to reach 50m monthly active users as well as EBITDA positive by

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Annual Report: grows premium service revenue by 239% and exceeds user guidance of 26 million monthly active users26.9.2023 17:31:02 CEST | A/S | Annual report

The board of A/S has approved the company's annual report for the period 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023. During the period, the company has exceeded expectations for user growth by reaching 26.6 million monthly active users and increased revenue from paying customers significantly. The results will be presented by management on a webinar on 28th of September at 4pm (CET). Sign-up here:

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Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them11.10.2022 16:30:22 CEST | A/S | Managers' transactions

Company announcement no. 12-2022 A/S has received notification pursuant to article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation of the attached transactions related to purchase of 6.933 shares in A/S made by JVD Holding ApS. Average price of per share was DKK 7.56. JVD Holding ApS is closely related to Jesper Vesten Drescher, who is Chairman of the Board of A/S.

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Mdundo is a leading music service for Africa with millions of people streaming and downloading music from our app and website every month. We aim to provide Africa’s millions of internet users with easy access to music whilst contributing structure, legality, and income to the sector.

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