Danish Energy Agency

Handling of object in the Baltic Sea

The Danish Energy Agency has invited the owner of the pipeline, Nord Stream 2 AG, to participate in the operation to salvage the observed object near the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
The object is cylindrical and is about 40 cm tall and 10 cm in diameter. It is possible that the object is a maritime smoke buoy. This will be further examined.
Source: The Danish Ministry of Defence.
The object is cylindrical and is about 40 cm tall and 10 cm in diameter. It is possible that the object is a maritime smoke buoy. This will be further examined. Source: The Danish Ministry of Defence.

Relevant Danish authorities have examined the object that has been observed by the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea. It remains the assessment that the object does not pose an immediate safety risk.

With a view to further clarifying the nature of the object, Danish authorities have decided to salvage the object with assistance from the Danish Defence. The Danish Energy Agency has in that context invited the owner of the pipeline, Nord Stream 2 AG, to participate in the operation.

The Danish Energy Agency currently awaits a response from Nord Stream 2 AG before the operation is commenced. The relevant authorities will provide further information when possible.



The object is cylindrical and is about 40 cm tall and 10 cm in diameter. It is possible that the object is a maritime smoke buoy. This will be further examined.
Source: The Danish Ministry of Defence.
The object is cylindrical and is about 40 cm tall and 10 cm in diameter. It is possible that the object is a maritime smoke buoy. This will be further examined. Source: The Danish Ministry of Defence.

Information om Danish Energy Agency

Danish Energy Agency
Danish Energy Agency
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1557 København V

+45 33 92 67 00http://www.ens.dk

The Danish Energy Agency works for a sustainable future. We are responsible for cost-effective and secure supply of electricity, gas, heating, water, telecoms and waste management. Our objective is to realize an intelligent green transition, where Denmark is a front runner and Danish experience can serve as inspiration to countries around the globe.

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