
Danish greentech company raises millions to expand their urban EV fast-charging network and electric ride-hailing service

Copenhagen-based Viggo has recently secured a 3.27 million € investment from Norwegian climate-focused venture capital fund Link Capital and a group of private Canadian investors. This latest investment will help lay the foundation for the company’s international expansion plans.

Batteries are fully charged at Viggo after the company secured their new investment. The Danish scale-up offers an all-electric ride-hailing service along with a network of urban ultra-fast charging infrastructure for private and business EV-drivers. 

The investment comes from Norwegian climate-focused venture capital fund Link Capital, who the World Economic Forum recently listed as one of the 17 most innovative funds in the world. They are joined by a group of private Canadian investors, including former heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis.

CEO of Viggo, Kenneth Herschel, is very enthusiastic about the investment, saying, "We are extremely happy and proud that such forward thinking investors can see the potential in Viggo and share our vision for the future of electric urban transportation and time effective charging infrastructure."

Viggo aims to expand its ultra-fast charging services in its home market and take on international markets. The young greentech company plans to claim a larger share of the mobility market as the number one rival to fossil taxi companies.

"The Viggo concept is highly scalable and the combination of ultra-fast charging and an app-based ride-hailing service offers a unique value proposition, which is a good fit in many markets, so I'm really pleased to get onboard with Kenneth and the team" says chairman of Link Capital, Christian Rangen.

Viggo was founded in Copenhagen in 2019 and expects to do more than 1 million rides in 2023 and launch 100 charge points over the coming 12 months.

About Viggo

  • Founded in 2019
  • 200 electric vehicles in Copenhagen and Aarhus
  • +170.000 app users
  • 30 employees in Denmark and Lithuania
  • 20 ultra-fast charge points and 3 charging hubs in Greater Copenhagen
  • Lead by Kenneth Herschel as CEO and former Tesla Director Peter Bardenfleth-Hansen as Chairman




Information om viggo

Nelson Mandelas Allé 12
2450 København SV

Viggo is re-thinking the concept of urban transportation and combining leading technology with zero-emission vehicles.

Without compromising on efficiency and price, we aim to offer the most environmentally friendly and convenient mobility solution seen in Scandinavia.

Our team is based in Copenhagen - and we’re driven by the idea of offering the next generation of urban mobility.

Download our app and drive Copenhagen green with us.

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Ny direktørduo sætter strøm til Viggos internationale vækst14.5.2024 06:50:05 CEST | Pressemeddelelse

På få år har den grønne mobilitetsvirksomhed Viggo etableret sig som det tredjestørste taxiselskab i Danmark med en flåde udelukkende bestående af eldrevne biler. Samtidig er Viggo også lykkedes med at indtage en førende position i Danmark inden for opsætning af lynladestationer. For at fortsætte Viggos vækst er ledelsen blevet styrket med ansættelsen af Kim Meikel Rose, der fra 1. maj indtrådte i rollen som CFO, samt Nikolaj Køster, der er ansat i rollen Chief Business Development Officer.

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