
Bonzer and PL & Partners Enter Strategic Partnership: Specialized Expertise with Full-Service Benefits

Bonzer and PL & Partners Strategic Partnership

Copenhagen, March 2025: Bonzer and PL & Partners are launching a strategic partnership that effectively solves a classic challenge for businesses: the choice between specialized agencies that work in isolation or full-service agencies with broad, but not always deep, expertise.

With this collaboration, the two agencies are combining their specialized skills in SEO and performance marketing with a holistic approach, offering clients the best of both worlds. The agencies will continue to operate in their core areas, but will work together as a unified, integrated team around the client.

A key benefit of the alliance is that clients will now only need to deal with one coordinated point of contact. Through joint status meetings and direct communication on platforms like Slack, overhead is minimized, ensuring a more efficient workflow. Clients will no longer face the frustration of juggling multiple specialized agencies, while also avoiding the typical compromise with full-service agencies that often lack the depth and expertise required to deliver at the highest level.

"We often hear from marketing managers frustrated by either the lack of coordination between specialized agencies or that a full-service agency simply cannot be sharp enough in all disciplines", says Ulrich Svarrer, CEO of Bonzer. "With our collaboration, companies can have both specialization and effective coordination."

"Companies want both coherence and specialist-level expertise – not one or the other", adds Mads Højgaard Paaskesen, CEO of PL & Partners. "With this partnership, we ensure exactly that, and the results with our clients confirm that this model is the future."

Several clients have already tested the collaboration, receiving positive feedback on both results and the working method.

With this initiative, Bonzer and PL & Partners demonstrate how specialization and close cooperation can create an agency experience that surpasses existing market alternatives.

About Bonzer: Bonzer is a 100% specialized SEO agency that helps businesses increase their organic visibility on Google. Founded in Denmark, the agency has assisted more than 600 clients globally. With a team of some of the country’s sharpest SEO experts, Bonzer delivers tailored strategies that create measurable results in organic growth.

About PL & Partners: PL & Partners is a leading performance marketing agency focused on paid digital advertising, including social media and search engines. Founded in 2015, the agency has built a strong reputation for generating tangible growth results for its clients. PL & Partners manages over DKK 250 million in advertising budgets annually and is known for its data-driven approach and close client relationships.



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