Joe & The Juice Selects Bonzer as Global SEO Partner to Strengthen International Presence


The world-renowned juice and coffee chain Joe & The Juice has today announced its selection of the Danish SEO agency Bonzer as its global SEO partner. The collaboration aims to increase awareness of the chain’s signature products and enhance local visibility in cities where Joe & The Juice is present. This partnership marks another strategic step in Joe & The Juice’s ongoing international expansion and digital presence.

"We are excited to collaborate with Bonzer as our global SEO partner. Their expertise in search engine optimization will be crucial in strengthening our digital presence and reaching even more customers worldwide. We look forward to seeing the results this partnership will bring" says Miguel Martin, Digital Marketing Director for Joe & The Juice.

Bonzer has already made an impact on the partnership by supporting the launch of the new premium sandwich 'The Steak' through targeted, optimized content that forms the foundation for Joe & The Juice’s broader digital strategy.

A Strategic Choice for Global Growth

With over 400 stores across Europe, the USA, South Korea, and the Middle East, Joe & The Juice has chosen Bonzer to intensify its global digital presence across all markets. Through the partnership, Bonzer will optimize Joe & The Juice’s digital visibility and ensure a consistent online presence that supports the chain’s global expansion strategy.

"Being selected as the global SEO partner for a dynamic and innovative company like Joe & The Juice is a great honor for us. We look forward to contributing to their growth by ensuring their unique products and brand story reach a wider audience through targeted SEO," says Thomas Bogh, CPO & Partner at Bonzer.

The partnership will focus on implementing a cohesive thought leadership strategy, balancing Joe & The Juice’s global brand with local market needs to achieve market dominance in search.

This strategic collaboration also marks an important step in Joe & The Juice’s ambition to strengthen its position in the global market and continue developing innovative products for its customers.


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Joe & The Juice vælger Bonzer som global SEO-partner for at styrke international tilstedeværelse10.3.2025 12:34:28 CET | Pressemeddelelse

Den verdenskendte juice- og kaffekæde Joe & The Juice har i dag offentliggjort deres valg af det danske SEO-bureau Bonzer som deres globale SEO-partner. Samarbejdet har til formål at øge kendskabet til kædens signature-produkter og styrke den lokale synlighed i de byer, hvor Joe & The Juice er repræsenteret.​ Partnerskabet markerer således endnu et strategisk skridt i Joe & The Juice's fortsatte internationale ekspansion og digitale tilstedeværelse. "Vi er begejstrede for at samarbejde med Bonzer som vores globale SEO-partner. Deres ekspertise inden for søgemaskineoptimering vil være afgørende for at styrke vores digitale tilstedeværelse og nå ud til endnu flere kunder verden over. Vi ser frem til at se de resultater, dette samarbejde vil bringe", siger Miguel Martin, Digital Marketing Director for Joe & The Juice.​ Bonzer har allerede sat præg på partnerskabet ved at understøtte lanceringen af den nye premium sandwich 'The Steak' gennem målrettet, optimeret indhold, der danner grundla

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