Greenpeace Danmark

Greenpeace condemns Trump intention to withdraw US from Paris Agreement


"Trump and the incoming US administration are not only turning their back on the future, but turning their back on the global community and reneging on a moral responsibility of leadership." Read full comments from Mads Flarup Christensen, Executive Director of Greenpeace International.

© David McNew / Greenpeace

US President Donald Trump has announced his intention to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. 

In response, Greenpeace International Executive Director Mads Christensen said:

“A policy of climate denialism will not safeguard any country against climate-fuelled disasters such as wildfires or repeat hurricanes. Global challenges don’t disappear by walking away from them - and as Los Angeles continues to burn, abandoning the Paris Agreement will only enflame future risks. Combatting the climate crisis requires international cooperation, not isolationism. 

“Trump and his cronies may push a pro-fossil fuel agenda domestically, but they cannot escape the momentum of global and state-level progress driving climate action forward. Countries gambling on oil and gas extraction will be left floundering behind the clean energy transition.

“The world has moved far beyond the politics of denial and delay and abandoning the Paris Agreement will only isolate the US as other countries move ahead. The Paris Agreement is resilient and strong — it is a pact driven by the will of nearly every nation, backed by communities, businesses and countries committed to climate justice and ending fossil fuels.

“Trump and the incoming US administration are not only turning their back on the future, but turning their back on the global community and reneging on a moral responsibility of leadership. The fight may have gotten tougher, but we the people will resist climate destruction and stand united for climate justice.”




© David McNew / Greenpeace

Greenpeace Danmark

Greenpeace er verdens største uafhængige miljøorganisation. Vi konfronterer nogle af verdens største problemer og fremtvinger løsninger. I Danmark arbejder vi primært med problematikker indenfor klima, energi, landbrug, hav og skov. Vi bestræber os på altid at stå til rådighed for kommentarer på aktuelle sager og debatter - store som små, niche som mainstream. 

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