Launch: Alliance brings likeminded nations together on a path towards global net negative emissions
The Group of Negative Emitters welcomes five new members and brings the global north and south together for a common purpose. Together, the eight nations push for higher ambitions in climate plans that include net-negative emissions to keep the 1.5 target alive.
The Group of Negative Emitters welcomes five new members and brings the global north and south together for a common purpose. Together, the eight nations push for higher ambitions in climate plans that include net-negative emissions to keep the 1.5 target alive.
Baku: As the world gathers at COP29, the Group of Negative Emitters (GONE) has officially been established. Today, the founding members of GONE welcomed five new members representing different regions and economies, uniting around the common goal of pushing for higher ambitions in climate targets and ultimately global net-negative ambitions.
The alliance now consists of new members Surinam, Ethiopia, Sweden, the Netherlands and Kenya as well as founding partners Denmark, Panama, and Finland.
”Climate neutrality is not the final destination. It is a pit stop towards net negative and keeping 1.5 alive. I’m pleased to present an alliance that bridges north and south across economical divides. Together, we work to pave a way that more countries can follow,” says the minister of climate energy and utilities of Denmark Lars Aagaard
Science clearly states that negative emissions will be paramount in keeping the 1.5 target alive. The global mitigation efforts must include negative emissions. And the national climate action plans, which the world is preparing to submit ahead of COP30, should reflect this need.
Furthermore, the most recent UNEP Emission Gap Report shows that there is an urgent need to accelerate scale and pace in global climate initiatives to get back on track towards 1.5. This includes fostering the frameworks and solutions required. On this background, GONE will work to support capacity building on matters such as regulation, technical development and measuring, as well as reporting and verifying.
- GONE's purpose is to promote global collaboration on net-negative emissions with the ambition to gather more countries with negative emission goals in the future.
- The alliance currently consists of founding partners Denmark, Panama, Finland as well as the new members Surinam, Ethiopia, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Kenya. Furthermore, the alliance is endorsed by Germany.
- Achieving negative emissions can be done in various ways; some countries with extensive forests in the Global South are already net-negative. Other methods include CCS, which stands for capturing and storing CO2.
- All countries worldwide must create new climate plans (NDCs) before COP30 in 2025. The GONE alliance will advocate for the inclusion of net-negative ambitions in the updated climate plans in as many countries as possible.
- The alliance will facilitate knowledge-sharing and capacity building on matters such as regulation, technical development and measuring, and reporting and verifying. It will furthermore provide technical support for member states to expand solutions.
Contact the press offices of the Ministry for Climate, Energy and Utilities on +45 41 72 38 05
Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsministeriet
I Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsministeriet arbejder vi for målet om at reducere udledningen af drivhusgasser med 70 procent i Danmark i 2030 og for et visionært, grønt lederskab både i Danmark og ude i verden.
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