
Viggo takes first step in ambitious EV charging expansion plan


Electric Ride-hailing and EV charging provider, Viggo, is expanding their charging network, Viggo Energy, with another ultra fast charging hub in central Copenhagen. The new hub marks another milestone in an ambitious expansion plan.

Recently, Copenhagen-based startup Viggo announced getting a 3,2 million € investment, which would help the company grow their network of ultra fast charging hubs in Denmark. Now, the company is adding another green dot on the map by launching a new hub in the Østerbro-district in central Copenhagen on July 3rd. The new hub is the fourth Viggo Energy location in Copenhagen and will offer EV drivers four 300 kW chargers with two charge points each, enabling eight cars to charge at the same time.

The new charging hub, which will take Viggo Energy’s charge point total to 28, is the first waypoint on an ambitious road map that will see the company go from 20 to 100 charge points in the span of 12 months.

“We’re delighted to announce this news. It is the first of many milestones in our expansion plan. The demand for our services is there, so it is very uplifting that we’ve been able to execute on this shortly after receiving the investment,” says Mads Vieth, managing director for Viggo Energy

Viggo Energy is solely focused on offering ultra-fast charging in urban areas and according to Mads Vieth demand is overtaking supply in larger cities. From 2021 to 2022 the sale of EV’s in Denmark doubled and the trend seems to continue into 2023, but this development could be stomped if the charging infrastructure is not sufficient.

“It’s a numbers game. If the number of charge points are scarce, people will stick to fossil cars and that would be bad news for the climate and the sustainability agenda.”

He points to the fact that public charging stations are important in urban areas, where people live in apartments and don't own their own chargers. This calls for alternatives to the common 11 kW chargers. The type of chargers that Viggo Energy provides are 300 kW and can charge most EV’s from 20% to 80% in 30 minutes.

“When you can’t charge overnight, effective charging is preferred and that is what we are bringing to the market”, Mads Vieth concludes.


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