Carlsberg Group concludes Together Towards ZERO programme, exceeding targets on carbon and water

Concluding Together Towards ZERO
In 2017, Carlsberg established a structured and ambitious approach to focus ESG actions on its most material ESG topics – carbon, water, responsible consumption and health and safety. The resulting ambitions for a ZERO Carbon Footprint, ZERO Water Waste, ZERO Irresponsible Drinking and a ZERO Accidents Culture set quantitative targets to be achieved by the end of 2022.
From 2015 to 2022, Carlsberg has performed particularly strongly on its environmental agenda, exceeding some of its targets on carbon and water with a 57% reduction in relative carbon emissions and a 31% reduction in relative water use since 2015, and earning a double “A” rating from global environmental non-profit CDP for transparency and action on these topics. We have also innovated and grown the alcohol-free category significantly, with 32 new product launches and an increase in sales volumes of 7% in Western Europe for 2022 alone, and 94% since 2015 globally. Overall, performance has been strong across the past five years and Carlsberg is now in a strong position to continue forward with its even more ambitious TTZAB programme.
Reflecting on progress made, CEO Cees ’t Hart says: “With the launch of TTZ in 2017, we set a new benchmark within our industry for sustainability. I’m proud of the example we’ve set with Together Towards ZERO and the significant progress we’ve made since 2017, together with our colleagues and value chain partners. In 2022 we took the next step on our journey by launching our enhanced ESG programme, TTZAB. We will build on the momentum from our efforts over the past five years to achieve the new expanded and even more ambitious targets we’ve set towards 2030 and 2040.”
To reach the 2022 milestone, Carlsberg has pursued its targets through concrete actions and partnerships across the value chain. The strong performance towards a ZERO Carbon Footprint has been achieved through the elimination of coal, increased use of renewable energies, and innovative solutions – such as extraction of biogas from on-site wastewater treatment plants, a renewable and circular thermal energy, to produce lower-carbon beer at 18 breweries. Strong performance towards ZERO Water Waste has been driven by process improvements and investments in new technologies, with ten sites achieving industry-leading water use efficiency of 2.0 hl/hl or less, and three of these being in areas of high water risk. Strong performance towards a ZERO Accidents Culture has resulted from a sharp focus on standard setting, training and behaviour change across the organisation. Progress has been made towards ZERO Irresponsible Drinking, with alcohol-free offerings expanding consumer choices – now available in 90% of Carlsberg's markets (up from 70% in 2021) and amounting to 32 new launches globally in 2022. Furthermore, we had partnerships in 67% of our markets, falling short of our target of 100%, with progress slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic and local on-the-ground implementation.
Continuing forward with Together Towards ZERO and Beyond
Carlsberg will continue forward with its enhanced ESG programme, Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB), in which it addresses a broader set of material ESG topics through a more holistic approach.
Launched in August 2022, TTZAB builds on the strong progress made since 2017 with a revised set of targets towards 2030 and 2040, including new targets for a ZERO Farming Footprint and ZERO Packaging Waste, as well as shorter-term targets to advance progress on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Through the new programme, Carlsberg will also bolster actions and transparency on Responsible Sourcing, Human Rights, its Living By Our Compass compliance programme, and Community Engagement.
Cees ’t Hart concludes: "Looking ahead, I’m confident that Together Towards ZERO and Beyond will deliver results for society and our business, cementing our licence to operate and our ability to brew high-quality beers with low environmental impact, now and in the future, as we strive to fulfil our purpose of brewing for a better today and tomorrow."
Appendix A: Key highlights from 2022
Appendix B: Status against the TTZ targets launched in 2017
About Carlsberg Group
Established in 1847 by brewer J.C. Jacobsen, the Carlsberg Group is one of the leading brewery groups in the world, with a large portfolio of beer and other beverage brands. The Group’s beer portfolio spans core beer brands, including local power brands and international premium brands, craft & speciality brands, and alcohol-free brews. Other beverages encompass both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages such as ciders, soft drinks and energy drinks.
The Western Europe, Asia and Central & Eastern Europe regions provide an attractive exposure to mature and emerging markets. The Group has a number 1 or 2 position in more than 20 markets and around 70% of volumes are sold in these markets. But its products are sold globally, also reaching consumers through exports and licensing agreements.
Carlsberg has delivered strong results through execution of its strategy, its robust geographical footprint and brand portfolio, alongside well-executed initiatives to safeguard the Group’s short-and long-term health.
The Group’s purpose is brewing for a better today and tomorrow. Doing business responsibly and sustainably supports that purpose – and drives the efforts to deliver value for shareholders and society.
About the Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB) programme
Carlsberg’s Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB) programme consists of our ambitions and concrete targets that address the environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics that are most material to its business and to wider society. As it works to achieve these, Carlsberg is taking actions and delivering results towards milestones in 2030 and 2040.
TTZAB is Carlsberg’s response to global challenges such as inequality, climate change and water scarcity, as well as society’s increasing focus on health and wellbeing. The programme is anchored in its purpose of brewing for a better today and tomorrow and is embedded into its overall corporate strategy.
Consequently, in pursuit of its targets, Carlsberg is working to manage its most material business impacts responsibly, while taking actions that contribute positively to society. It will achieve its targets in partnership with suppliers, customers, consumers and the communities where it operates, to go Towards ZERO and Beyond, Together.
See more information on TTZAB at:
Tanja Frederiksen +45 5195 7778
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