DHI appoints Mette Vestergaard to succeed Antoine Labrosse as CEO
DHI is a global expert in water environments, using advanced technology to save water, share it fairly, improve its quality, quantify its impact and manage its flow. DHI has over 1000 highly qualified employees working from offices in more than 30 countries worldwide.
DHI has during the past years successfully implemented a digital transformation. The transformation is at a stage where the Board of Directors has concluded that it is a good time to make a leadership change to continue the development of DHI.
Jakob Thomasen, Chairman of DHI Board of Directors, comments: “I would like to thank Antoine for what he has accomplished with his visionary leadership during a time of massive change in DHI. Without his bold vision and strong drive, our digital journey would not be where it is today. I wish Antoine all the best in the future”.
Antoine Labrosse says: “After 20 years in the company, and 7 as CEO, this is a good time for me to hand over the baton. I am very proud of having progressed Cloud Bridge, our digital strategy to a point where we are in the market with new disruptive products. I will surely stay in touch with the company and I look forward to seeing the future successes “.
DHI Board of Directors has appointed Mette Vestergaard as new CEO. Mette comes with a strong background in transformation, digitalization and sustainability, as well as extensive experience in global leadership and advisory services. She currently holds the position as Executive Vice President of People & Transformation in LEO Pharma, and she has previously been CEO of Mannaz A/S and Vice President in Novozymes. She has held numerous positions of trust, including being a board member in DHI, a position she will now resign.
Jakob Thomasen comments: “We have been through an extensive search process to find the right person to lead DHI. At the end, it turned out to be someone close to the company. I am very happy to welcome Mette as CEO and look forward to working with her to further strengthen DHI as a global expert in water solutions. Mette possesses a unique combination of leadership, transformation, digitalization, consulting and research. I am confident that she will take DHI the next steps forward to help solving the enormous water challenges that the world isfacing.“
Mette Vestergaard says: “I really look forward to taking the role as CEO of DHI and continue the transformational work that Antoine has initiated. As member of the Board, I have gained enormous respect for the company, and I look very much forward to working with the incredibly skilled and passionate people in DHI. I am deeply impressed by their extensive knowledge of water, and their relentless drive to develop new sustainable solutions. This is a great foundation for the future”.
Mette Vestergaard’s start date will be announced shortly.
For more information, please contact Jakob Thomasen jakob.thomasen@jbt-consult.com
Information om DHI A/S
DHI are the first people you should call when you have a tough challenge to solve in a water environment – be it a river, a reservoir, an ocean, a coastline, within a city or a factory.
Our knowledge of water environments is second-to-none. It represents 50 years of dedicated research and real-life experience from more than 140 countries. We strive to make this knowledge globally accessible to clients and partners by channelling it through our local teams and unique software.
Our world is water. So whether you need to save water, share it fairly, improve its quality, quantify its impact or manage its flow, we can help. Our knowledge, combined with our team's expertise and the power of our technology, holds the key to unlocking the right solution.
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