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Statement of the International Contact Group (ICG) on the situation in eastern DRC19.2.2025 15:32:28 CET | Nyhed

Statement of the International Contact Group (ICG) on the situation in eastern DRC Diplomatic statement | English Version The International Contact Group for the Great Lakes (ICG), chaired by Germany, issued a statement on the situation in eastern DRC. The International Contact Group for the Great Lakes, including representatives from Belgium, Denmark, the European Union, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, expresses its utmost concern of the situation in eastern DRC, stresses that there is no military solution to the conflict and calls upon the parties to prioritize diplomatic and political engagement. The International Contact Group fully supports the African-led political process established by the Luanda and Nairobi Processes. We commend the work done by the President of Angola and new Chair of the African Union João Lourenço and former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta. We fully support the call by the AU Peace and Securi

Joint Statement by Nordic Baltic countries on support to the Belarusian people26.1.2025 19:28:49 CET | Pressemeddelelse

The Nordic-Baltic countries support the statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Kaja Kallas on support to the Belarusian people. The Nordic-Baltic countries stand in solidarity with the Belarusian people who strive for a free, democratic, sovereign and independent Belarus. A future democratic Belarus has a place in the European family. Our countries will continue to support the tireless efforts of the Belarusian democratic forces led by Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and independent Belarusian civil society both inside and outside Belarus. The Nordic-Baltic countries continue to support the democratic right of the Belarusian people to choose their leaders through free and fair elections. This requires rule of law, political pluralism, and full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms as genuine democratic preconditions. None of this is, regretfully, observed in today’s Belarus. Instead, the relentless and unprecedented level of repression, includi

Høring: Interessetilkendegivelse til repræsentation i EU’s Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg i perioden 2025-203016.1.2025 12:43:03 CET | Nyhed

Den nuværende mandatperiode for EU’s Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg (ØSU) udløber den 20. september 2025. De ni danske pladser i udvalget skal derfor beskikkes på ny for den kommende periode 2025-2030. Udenrigsministeriet har som led i nybeskikkelsesprocessen foretaget en bred høring om interessetilkendegivelse i at være medlem i ØSU blandt en række arbejdstager-, arbejdsgiver- og civilsamfundsorganisationer. Øvrige organisationer, som måtte være interesserede i at være repræsenterede i ØSU, opfordres dog også til at tilkendegive og motivere deres interesse over for Udenrigsministeriet. Interesserede organisationer bedes motivere deres tilkendegivelse med blandt andet oplysning om antal medlemmer og bredden af de repræsenterede samfundsinteresser, jf. også kriteriet om repræsentativitet i TEUF art. 300, stk. 2, nedenfor. På baggrund af de modtagne interessetilkendegivelser vil regeringen med henblik på at kunne indstille ni medlemmer til en plads i ØSU foretage en samlet afvejning af mot
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