


Valuer Holding A/S reports on new activities in Japan19.1.2023 10:32:23 CET | Press release

Today, Valuer commenced activities in Japan in accordance with a framework agreement with Travesia. OXYGY is now to become onboarded as the first customer based on Valuer’s specific AI (artificial intelligence) and proprietary NLP (Natural Language Processing) capabilities. According to Japanese demand, Valuer’s offerings are now available in the Japanese language. For further information: Susanne Larsson, Chair Tel: +45 22 10 46 10 email: Investor Relations contact Morten Halager Tel: +45 24 66 33 07 Jesper Skaarup Vestergaard Certified Advisor Grant Thornton Tel: +45 31 79 90 00

Capgemini and Valuer to introduce AI-powered innovation-as-a-service offering in Denmark6.10.2021 14:03:14 CEST | Press release

New local alliance will strengthen clients’ innovation initiatives and shorten lead-times using data-driven insights Copenhagen, October 6, 2021 – Capgemini in Denmark announced today a new alliance with Valuer, a Danish AI technology company, to provide clients with an AI-powered tool that will help drive and accelerate digital transformation and innovation. This new alliance brings together the technical capabilities, innovation expertise and deep business insight of Capgemini along with Valuer's AI platform. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many Danish enterprises have accelerated their digital transformation efforts and are looking at innovative solutions to enable their digital journey. The new tool will provide data that can be utilized in the relevant business context and, together with Capgemini’s innovation centers, can help clients identify, instantly test business opportunities and also assess their scalability and financial potential. This Innovation-as-a-service offer

Valuer and Network Development Hub establishes a partnership to fuel innovation decision-making in DACH and the Middle East6.9.2021 09:39:27 CEST | Press release

Valuer and Network Development Hub (NDH) with its network of affiliated advisors join a partnership to link data-driven insights from innovation ecosystems with critical decision-making in any industry domain in the DACH and Middle East regions. The overall aim of the collaboration is to explore the following areas: To jointly provide the Valuer product offerings on top of advisory services to corporations, government agencies, universities, research institutions, accelerators, and venture funds across the DACH and Middle East regions. To jointly conduct research on key market trends, studying its development and publishing insights for market consumption. To work with local ecosystems to further leverage the experience and expertise of NDH and its affiliated advisors and the Valuer platform. Naveed Syed, CEO and Co-founder of NDH said, “The European and Middle Eastern tech startup landscape is sizzling hot, but investments and corporate innovation are often based on pockets of informa

Valuer hjælper Aarhus Vand med at gøre spildevand til en ressource25.5.2021 09:25:02 CEST | Pressemeddelelse

Der er guld i de danske kloakker. Derfor skal platformsvirksomheden Valuer nu hjælpe med at ændre spildevand fra at være en miljøbelastning til at være en nyttig ressource. En opgave, som Valuer ser frem til at løse i samarbejde et af verdens mest innovative og bæredygtige vandselskaber, Aarhus Vand. ”Aarhus Vand er en utrolig spændende virksomhed, som lever op til nogle af de værdier, vi i Valuer anser for helt afgørende for fremtidens virksomheder. De er ambitiøse, innovative og de vil løse nogle grundlæggende problemer ved hjælp af viden, innovation og den nyeste teknologi,” siger Dennis Poulsen, adm. direktør i Valuer. Aarhus Vand blev i 2020 det første vandselskab i verden, der har opnået en certificering i FN's verdensmål, og virksomheden har en mission om at skabe verdens mest effektive anlæg og videnscenter, så det danske spildevand på sigt kan forvandles til nye produkter og ny energi. Under samarbejdet med Valuer, som i første ongang løber til sommer, vil Aarhus Vand kunne ti

Valuer accelerates the execution of a global sales strategy with operational activities out of a new London office19.4.2021 08:00:19 CEST | Press release

Through the establishment of a UK corporate entity, a new office setup in London and a successful onboarding of an experienced MD, Ian Herbert Jones, to head the sales activities, Valuer is well-positioned to grow in the UK market. Ian Herbert Jones who brings over 20 years of experience in innovation within the enterprise software space, will be responsible for leading the expansion strategy and onboarding UK enterprise customers and partners. ”It’s a big milestone for Valuer to open a London office as the first part of our internationalization strategy. This is in line with the growth strategy described in the IPO Document (Company Announcement No 1-2021). Valuer’s growth strategy is based on international expansion and the development of new services on the company’s market-leading innovation platform” says Dennis Poulsen, CEO and Co-founder of Valuer. Valuer’s internationalization is centered around strategic entry into selected markets, primarily in Western Europe, the US, and Sin

Valuer starts engagement with UK based ‘the IoT Community’22.2.2021 08:30:00 CET | Press release

The IoT Community (Internet of Things Community), which is the world’s largest community of CxOs and IoT professionals and practitioners, has begun deploying Valuer’s innovation platform following the agreement of December 2020 between Valuer and the IoT Community. ”We are delighted that an esteemed platform like the IoT Community recognises the value in tapping into Valuer’s platform to access information about new innovations in the Internet of Things area. We look forward to working with the IoT Community to harness the power of their community in driving specifications and best practices that advance the IoT”, said Dennis Poulsen, CEO & Co-founder of Valuer. ”As more of our members seek ways to rethink how their businesses can fully embrace the Internet of Things, they change relationship-based decision-making to data-driven ones. Valuer brings a proven methodology which we look forward to making available to our members as we roll out the collaboration with Dennis and the team”, s
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