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Demant A/S

Demant is a world-leading hearing healthcare group that offers solutions and services to help people with hearing loss connect with the world around them. In every aspect, from hearing devices, hearing implants, diagnostics to audio and video solutions and hearing care all over the world, Demant is active and engaged. Our innovative technologies and know-how help improve people’s health and hear-ing. We create life-changing differences through hearing health.

William Demant Foundation donates DKK 3.5 million to UNICEF to help fight coronavirus16.12.2021 08:27:52 CET | Press release

With the goal of supporting sustainable healthcare globally, William Demant Foundation has donated DKK 3.5 million (US$ 530,000) to UNICEF and the ACT-A programme to help low- and middle-income countries tackle the coronavirus pandemic. The donation will support the delivery of vital vaccines, health protection equipment, diagnostics and treatment benefitting children, families and healthcare workers in vulnerable communities.

Demant joins climate committee13.12.2019 12:59:00 CET | Press release

An ambitious climate policy formulated by the Danish government offers an opportunity to con-tribute to the definition of a more climate friendly future for the medtech and healthcare sector. Demant takes an active part in the dialogue and presentation of solutions. The Danish government has set an ambitious climate goal: To reach a target of 70% greenhouse gas reduction in 2030. A new climate law has just passed with a wide majority in Parliament to support the reduction programme and following the announcement of the ambition, the Danish business community, hereunder the industry organisation Dansk Industri*, has committed to fully support the reduction programme. The entire Danish business community has been invited to take part in prioritising initiatives to deliver on the ambitious 70% reduction, and Demant has decided to take an active role in the climate dialogue. Spearheaded by Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard, Danish pharma, medtech and biotech companies have established a cli

Demant giver lyd fra sig2.12.2019 09:54:00 CET | Pressemeddelelse

Med lanceringen af en ny film sætter Demant fokus på vigtigheden af høresundhed – og at værne om hørelsen gennem hele livet. I mere end 115 år har Demant-koncernen og herunder en række høre- og teknologivirksomheder hjulpet mennesker med høretab med at leve et aktivt liv. Historien om Demant startede med import af høreapparater i Odense for mere end 100 år siden. Import blev siden til egenproduktion, og op gennem 1900-tallet og nullerne kom diagnostik, høreimplantater, lydløsninger og headsets til gruppen, som er med kendt for Oticon-brandet. I dag er Demant en af verdens førende og største høresundhedsvirksomheder, der tilbyder den bredeste pallette af behandling til mennesker med høretab. Virksomhedens historie og formål har ikke før fundet vej til videoformatet, men nu lancerer Demant en ny film, der indkapsler ånden i selskabet og det formål, som har præget virksomheden og dens medarbejdere lige fra starten. Nemlig at gøre en livsændrende forskel for mennesker med høretab. ”Demant

Opdatering på it-infrastrukturhændelse6.9.2019 14:49:00 CEST | Pressemeddelelse

Demant-gruppen oplevede en kritisk hændelse på vores interne it-infrastruktur den 3. september 2019. Gruppens it-infrastruktur blev ramt af cyberkriminalitet. Vores hurtige reaktion på hændelsen og lukningen af vores it-systemer på tværs af lokationer og forretningsenheder inddæmmede og begrænsede hændelsen. Vores gradvise og omfattende genetablering fortsætter efter planen og vores prioriteringer, og organisationen arbejder intensivt med fremgang på en struktureret og grundig måde. Vi får fortsat dele af vores it-infrastruktur op at køre; vi fortsætter dog med at have nøgle-it-systemer lukket for at sikre sikker genetablering. Vi har ingen indikationer på, at persondata er tilgået eller udtaget fra vores systemer i forbindelse med hændelsen, og potentiel skade er inddæmmet. Vi fortsætter med at undersøge dette og vil foretage underretninger til relevante myndigheder som påkrævet. I genetableringen fortsætter vi med at drive virksomheden bedst muligt. Vi gør alt, hvad vi kan, for at se

Demant is bringing Philips hearing aids to market10.4.2019 07:52:00 CEST | Press release

Hearing aid users can now choose solutions from the Philips brand portfolio, one of the world’s best known and leading health technology brands, focused on improving people's health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum. The Philips brand portfolio of hearing solutions will enter the hearing aid market with a complete range of premium hearing aids and will offer hearing care professionals an exciting new business opportunity to work with a global brand serving both professional and consumer markets in consumer health and home care. Demant, a leading hearing healthcare company and exclusive hearing aid brand licensee of Philips, looks to the potential of addressing new segments on a global scale combining first-class hearing technology with a well-known brand.

Demant is a world-leading hearing healthcare group that offers solutions and services to help people with hearing loss connect with the world around them. In every aspect, from hearing devices, hearing implants, diagnostics to audio and video solutions and hearing care all over the world, Demant is active and engaged. Our innovative technologies and know-how help improve people’s health and hear-ing. We create life-changing differences through hearing health.

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