SPARK Technology A/S

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Publication of 2024 Interim Report6.12.2024 18:48:20 CET | SPARK Technology A/S | Interim information

Company Announcement No. 141 The SPARK Technology A/S Group (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Copenhagen: SPARK) reports the following financial highlights: In H1 2024 the gross revenues decreased to DKK 54,6 million from DKK 93.9 million in H1 2023. Kazang contributes the most to revenues, adding DKK 54.0 million to the group’s gross revenue for the period. Other revenues are represented by the group's other subsidiaries. For H1 2024, EBIT resulted with a loss of DKK 18.9 million, an improvement from H1 2023 with its loss of DKK 26.5 million, driven by increased in other income and a decrease in employee expenses. Kazang Zambia revenues decreased from DKK 91,1 million H1 2023 to DKK 54,0 million. EBIT for H1 2024 was a loss of DKK 2.0 million, compared to DKK -4,0m in last year. With the onset of 2024, SPARK Technology A/S stood at a crucial crossroads. Over the past year, we have implemented significant strategic changes that have reshaped the direction of the company. The most notab

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Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting18.11.2024 15:48:38 CET | SPARK Technology A/S | Resolutions of extraordinary general meeting

Company Announcement No. 140 SPARK Technology A/S under compulsory dissolution held extraordinary general meeting today. All items on the agenda were unanimously agreed on as proposed by the shareholders convening the meeting. The protocol of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this announcement. Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

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Notice to convene Extraordinary General Meeting4.11.2024 21:16:07 CET | SPARK Technology A/S | Notice to convene extra. general meeting

Company Announcement No. 139 In the following the notice to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting is presented in Danish as “Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær generalforsamling” and below the english version. På baggrund af instruks fra aktionærerne JAC Invest AS og Janus Invest AS, der samlet ejer 23,63 pct. af aktiekapitalen i SPARK Technology A/S (under tvangsopløsning), CVR-nr. 26 51 81 99 (”Selskabet”) indkalder likvidator hermed i overensstemmelse med § 4, stk. 4, i Selskabets vedtægter til ekstraordinær generalforsamling i Selskabet, der afholdes 18. november 2024, kl. 10.00, med henblik på beslutning om genoptagelse. Generalforsamling afholdes som en fuldstændig elektronisk generalforsamling i overensstemmelse med § 5 i Selskabets vedtægter. Der vil således ikke være adgang til fysisk fremmøde. Instruktioner til deltagelse i den virtuelle generalforsamling vil være at finde på Selskabets hjemmeside i form af en praktisk guide. Dagsorden Valg af dirigent Beslutning om nedsættels

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Update on resuming the company, generel meeting and financial calendar23.9.2024 16:50:22 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 138 By decision of 20 September 2024, the Danish Business Authority has rejected registration of the decisions on capital reductions that were taken at SPARK Technology's/under compulsory dissolution, extraordinary general meeting on 13 September 2024, as part of the company's plan for resumption. The decision from the Danish Business Authority is based on the fact that the final decision on resuming was not made at the same time as the decisions on the capital reductions. The company takes note of the Danish Business Authority's decision. The plan for the company is still to apply for resuming the company. When the preparatory work for this purpose, including the auditor's statement that the capital is present, is ready, a new general meeting will be called with a view to deciding on resumption. The decision of the Danish Business Authority concerns only the planned capital reductions, but not the approval of the company's 2023 annual report, which was also ad

Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting12.9.2024 15:56:14 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Resolutions of extraordinary general meeting

Company Announcement No. 137 SPARK Technology A/S under compulsory dissolution held extraordinary general meeting today. All items on the agenda were unanimously agreed on as proposed by the shareholders convening the meeting. The protocol of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this announcement. Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, former CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

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Regarding suspension and process of resuming the company20.8.2024 14:29:21 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 135 SPARK Technology A/S is today, 20 August 2024, registered by the Danish Business Authority as being under compulsory liquidation and that the company's management and executive board as a consequence resign as of today. This is because the company has been late in submitting the auditor-signed annual financial report 2023 to the Danish Business Authority. The annual report was scheduled to be approved at the general meeting on 30 August 2024. A new general meeting will be convened as soon as possible with a view to having the company resumed, including election of management and auditor. This also means that the general meeting on 30 August 2024 has been cancelled. Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK

Notice to convene Annual General Meeting16.8.2024 16:54:53 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Notice to convene annual general meeting

Company Announcement No. 134 In the following the notice to convene the Annual General Meeting is presented in Danish as “Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling” and below the english version. English version below Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling Bestyrelsen for SPARK Technology A/S, CVR-nr. 26 51 81 99 (”Selskabet”), indkalder hermed i henhold til § 4 i Selskabets vedtægter til ordinær generalforsamling, der afholdes 30. August 2024, kl. 10.00. Generalforsamling afholdes som en fuldstændig elektronisk generalforsamling i overensstemmelse med § 5 i Selskabets vedtægter. Der vil således ikke være adgang til fysisk fremmøde. Instruktioner til deltagelse i den virtuelle generalforsamling vil være at finde på Selskabets hjemmeside i form af en praktisk guide. Dagsorden Valg af dirigent Bestyrelsens beretning Godkendelse af årsrapport Beslutning om anvendelse af overskud eller dækning af tab Valg af ny bestyrelse Valg af revisor Eventuelt Ad 1 – Valg af dirigent Bestyrelsen for

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Financial Results 202316.8.2024 16:52:18 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Annual report

Company Announcement No. 133 SPARK Technology A/S reports financial development as detailed in the Annual Financial Report 2023. SPARK Technology A/S reports financial development as detailed in the Annual Financial Report 2023. 2023 Financial Highlights – SPARK Group: Gross Revenue: DKK 180,344,000 compared to DKK 168,729,000 in 2022 Net Revenue: DKK 25,473,000 compared to DKK 30,631,000 in 2022 Gross Profit: DKK 24,240,000 compared to DKK 24,612,000 in 2022 EBITDA: DKK -26,500,000 compared to DKK -33,444,000 in 2022 Net Income: DKK -138,071,000 compared to -73,660,000 in 2022 Basic earnings per share: DKK -5,26 (In 2022 DKK -0.03) Fully diluted shares outstanding: 26.249.562 (In 2022 2.520.000.000) Total assets at year-end: DKK 157.518.000 (In 2022 277.900.000) Total shareholder equity at year-end: DKK 61.766.000 (in 2022 186.400.000) The SPARK Group continues to build on its target of break even with revenue for the year increasing to DKK 180,3 million, up from DKK 168.7 million in

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Update on audited Annual Financial Report 2023 - Inside Information14.8.2024 16:08:38 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 132 With reference to Company Announcement 122 Annual Financial Highlights Unaudited released on the 10. April 2024, is was reported that the fiscal year 2023 had the following financial highlights with a Gross Revenue of 182,411 tdkk, Net Revenue of 47,277 tdkk, Gross Profit of 36,804 tdkk, EBITDA of -29,929 tdkk and Net Income of -24,721 tdkk. Some financials are expected to be changed in connection with completing the audited annual financial report 2023, with a revised Net income resultat which will be significantly changed in a negative direction mainly driven by major impairments under "Net other expenses/income" being written off, in a partly owned subsidiary JengaX AS resulting in a revised Net income in the range of -138,000 tdkk. The completion of the Annual Financial Report is expected to be finalized and announced shortly. Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1.

Clarification of Company Announcement No. 13023.7.2024 16:58:05 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 131 With reference to company announcement 130 from 22. July 2024 regarding Tyrill AB's notification that the agreement with SPARK Technology AS to buy the company's shares in JengaX AS has been terminated and Tyrill AB will instead look at a replacement with a possible purchase of the assets in JengaX AS. This means that SPARK Technology A/S' shares in JengaX AS are not included in the transaction with Tyrill AB. The separate value of SPARK Technology A/S' shares in JengaX AS in the Tyrill SPARK transaction was SEK 8M, out of SEK 210M. Which means that the total value of the transaction is SEK 202M. The part of the Tyrill SPARK transaction, of a cash amount of SEK 10M, will not be affected. It is the consideration in shares that will be reduced from SEK 200M to SEK 192M. An agreement of sale of assets in JengaX AS will require an approval by the board of directors in JengaX AS as well as an approval from the general meeting in JengaX AS where SPARK Technology

TYRILL AB has notified SPARK Technology A/S that a sale of shares in JengaX AS is requested replaced by a possible asset purchase agreement with JengaX AS22.7.2024 13:44:28 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 130 Tyrill AB has today notified SPARK Technology AB that the agreement of the sale of shares is terminated and has suggested that this agreement is replaced with an acquisition of the assets in JengaX which means that for MSEK 8 out of MSEK 210 of the agreed consideration in shares that would have been received by SPARK Technology A/S. An agreement of sale of assets in JengaX will require an approval by the board of directors in JengaX AS as well as an approval from the general meeting in JengaX where SPARK Technology A/S currently owns 43 % of the shares. Due to, that negotiations with JengaX has not been finished and agreed upon, SPARK Technology A/S that is not a part in such agreement can’t at this time give any additional information about the outcome of the contents in such agreement. Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For furt

Update on Financial Calendar 2024, Annual General Meeting and Financial Report 202316.7.2024 15:48:14 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement 129 Update on Financial Calendar 2024, Annual General Meeting and Financial Report 2023 In connection with company announcements 126 and 127, about the delay of the completion of the Financial Report 2023, the upcoming Annual General Meeting is postponed and will be held in August. The new date for the Annual General Meeting will be announced as soon as possible. The delay in the completion of the audited report 2023 is due to several factors, including unforeseen delay in the implementation of new financial procedures and systems at group and subsidiary level, the transition to new auditor procedures and organization for local markets has taken longer than expected and also to be adapted to audit procedures of consolidation at group level. Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPAR

Henrik Skaksen Jacobsen appointed CFO11.7.2024 13:48:11 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Annoucement No. 128 Henrik Skaksen Jacobsen has been appointed Chief Financial Officer of SPARK Technology. Henrik brings a diverse experience within finance, having worked with a South African advisory on global deals, but specifically between the South and North, a Canadian family office, where he strategized for the family head on sustainable business models, and raised funds for startups, as well as engaged in crowdfunding campaigns. Henrik has a deep interest in finance, but specifically for fintech solutions and how finance joins technology to make a more inclusive world with more opportunities. For that reason, he has also worked with tokenization, digital currencies and blockchain. This is why Henrik is intent on using his resources on SPARK Technology A/S, as is excited to see where we can take it going forward. The 40-year-old Dane holds a master’s degree in Development Studies and International Relations from Aalborg University and has completed several Accounting an

Update Financial Calendar 202428.6.2024 19:08:45 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement 127 Updated Financial Calendar 2024 In connection with company announcement 126 about the delay of the completion of the Financial Report 2023 the upcoming Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday the 31. July 2024. Financial Calendar 2024 Annual General Meeting – 31 July 2024 Interim Half Year Report 2024 – 29. August 2024 Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

Update Financial Calendar 202412.6.2024 15:20:10 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement 126 Updated Financial Calendar 2024 Due to delay of the completion of the Financial Report 2023 the Annual General Meeting at the 26 June 2024 is postponed. New date for the Annual General Meeting will be anounced latest end of June 2024. Financial Calendar 2024 Annual General Meeting - date to be announced latest end of June 2024 Interim Half Year Report 2024 - 29. August 2024 Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

Acquisition of Acceleum Technology AS14.5.2024 12:40:04 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 125 Spark Technology A/S has entered into an acquisition agreement with Acceleum Technology AS, a Norwegian company providing a comprehensive platform for micro-investments and micro-pensions in sub-Saharan African markets. The agreement is subject to satisfactory due diligence and approval from the General meeting of Spark Technology A/S. In a strategic move to bolster its presence in the rapidly evolving micro-investment landscape, Spark Technology A/S has agreed to acquire Acceleum Technology AS, for jointly launching their micro-investment and micro-pension platform and "The Acceleum Game." This acquisition will further strengthen Spark Technology AS’s foothold in sub-Saharan Africa, providing investors and savers with innovative tools. Spark Technology A/S has previously announced entering into an agreement with regard to selling their shares in different subsidiaries to Tyrill AB, and by this continues as a holding company developing different technology

Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting and Financial Calendar25.4.2024 10:44:21 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Resolutions of extraordinary general meeting

Company Announcement No. 124 SPENN Technology A/S held extraordinary general meeting today. All items on the agenda were unanimously agreed on as proposed by the Board of Directors. The protocol of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this announcement. SPARK Technology A/S Financial Calendar Annual General Meeting - 26. June 2024 Interim Half Year Report 2024 - 29. August 2024 Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

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Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær generalforsamling11.4.2024 16:28:15 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Indkald. til ekstr. general forsamling

Company Announcement No. 123 English version below Bestyrelsen for SPARK Technology A/S, CVR-nr. 26 51 81 99 (”Selskabet”), indkalder hermed i henhold til § 4 i Selskabets vedtægter til ekstraordinær generalforsamling, der afholdes 25. april 2024, kl. 10.00. Generalforsamling afholdes som en fuldstændig elektronisk generalforsamling i overensstemmelse med § 5 i Selskabets vedtægter. Der vil således ikke være adgang til fysisk fremmøde. Instruktioner til deltagelse i den virtuelle generalforsamling vil være at finde på Selskabets hjemmeside i form af en praktisk guide. Dagsorden Valg af dirigent Valg af nyt bestyrelsesmedlem Eventuelt Ad 1 – Valg af dirigent Bestyrelsen foreslår valg af Magne Fretheim som dirigent. Ad 2 – Forslag til valg af nyt bestyrelsesmedlem Der var fremsat forslag om valg af Gabriel Jensaas som nyt bestyrelsesmedlem. Vedtagelseskrav Forslag under dagsordenens pkt. 1-2 kan vedtages med simpelt flertal af såvel de afgivne stemmer som af den del af selskabskapitalen,

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