SPARK Technology A/S

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Update Financial Calendar 202428.6.2024 19:08:45 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement 127 Updated Financial Calendar 2024 In connection with company announcement 126 about the delay of the completion of the Financial Report 2023 the upcoming Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday the 31. July 2024. Financial Calendar 2024 Annual General Meeting – 31 July 2024 Interim Half Year Report 2024 – 29. August 2024 Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

Update Financial Calendar 202412.6.2024 15:20:10 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement 126 Updated Financial Calendar 2024 Due to delay of the completion of the Financial Report 2023 the Annual General Meeting at the 26 June 2024 is postponed. New date for the Annual General Meeting will be anounced latest end of June 2024. Financial Calendar 2024 Annual General Meeting - date to be announced latest end of June 2024 Interim Half Year Report 2024 - 29. August 2024 Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

Acquisition of Acceleum Technology AS14.5.2024 12:40:04 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 125 Spark Technology A/S has entered into an acquisition agreement with Acceleum Technology AS, a Norwegian company providing a comprehensive platform for micro-investments and micro-pensions in sub-Saharan African markets. The agreement is subject to satisfactory due diligence and approval from the General meeting of Spark Technology A/S. In a strategic move to bolster its presence in the rapidly evolving micro-investment landscape, Spark Technology A/S has agreed to acquire Acceleum Technology AS, for jointly launching their micro-investment and micro-pension platform and "The Acceleum Game." This acquisition will further strengthen Spark Technology AS’s foothold in sub-Saharan Africa, providing investors and savers with innovative tools. Spark Technology A/S has previously announced entering into an agreement with regard to selling their shares in different subsidiaries to Tyrill AB, and by this continues as a holding company developing different technology

Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting and Financial Calendar25.4.2024 10:44:21 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Resolutions of extraordinary general meeting

Company Announcement No. 124 SPENN Technology A/S held extraordinary general meeting today. All items on the agenda were unanimously agreed on as proposed by the Board of Directors. The protocol of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this announcement. SPARK Technology A/S Financial Calendar Annual General Meeting - 26. June 2024 Interim Half Year Report 2024 - 29. August 2024 Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPARK Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPARK Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 000

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Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær generalforsamling11.4.2024 16:28:15 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Indkald. til ekstr. general forsamling

Company Announcement No. 123 English version below Bestyrelsen for SPARK Technology A/S, CVR-nr. 26 51 81 99 (”Selskabet”), indkalder hermed i henhold til § 4 i Selskabets vedtægter til ekstraordinær generalforsamling, der afholdes 25. april 2024, kl. 10.00. Generalforsamling afholdes som en fuldstændig elektronisk generalforsamling i overensstemmelse med § 5 i Selskabets vedtægter. Der vil således ikke være adgang til fysisk fremmøde. Instruktioner til deltagelse i den virtuelle generalforsamling vil være at finde på Selskabets hjemmeside i form af en praktisk guide. Dagsorden Valg af dirigent Valg af nyt bestyrelsesmedlem Eventuelt Ad 1 – Valg af dirigent Bestyrelsen foreslår valg af Magne Fretheim som dirigent. Ad 2 – Forslag til valg af nyt bestyrelsesmedlem Der var fremsat forslag om valg af Gabriel Jensaas som nyt bestyrelsesmedlem. Vedtagelseskrav Forslag under dagsordenens pkt. 1-2 kan vedtages med simpelt flertal af såvel de afgivne stemmer som af den del af selskabskapitalen,

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Annual Financial Highlights Unaudited10.4.2024 16:32:26 CEST | SPARK Technology A/S | Annual report

Company Announcement No. 122 Spark Technology A/S (formerly SPENN Technology A/S) reports a year of financial progress and strategic growth, as detailed in our unaudited financial highlights for 2023. 2023 Financial Highlights: Gross Revenue: DKK 182,311,000, an increase of 8.05% from DKK 168,729,000 in 2022. Net Revenue: DKK 47,277,000, a significant increase of 54.34% from the previous year. Gross Profit: DKK 36,804,000, marking a 49.54% growth from DKK 24,612,000 in 2022. EBITDA: DKK -29,929,000, a decrease of 10.51% from the previous year, reflecting strategic investments for long-term growth. Net Income: DKK -24,721,000, an improvement of 66.44%, indicative of improved cost management strategies. These figures reflect our expansion in services, notably with Kazang in Zambia, and our enhancements in operational efficiency and interoperability across markets. Our transition to Spark Technology A/S and our upcoming strategic alignment with Tyrill AB set the stage for a promising 2024

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Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting3.4.2024 11:04:35 CEST | SPENN Technology A/S | Resolutions of extraordinary general meeting

Company Announcement No. 121 SPENN Technology A/S held extraordinary general meeting today. All items on the agenda were unanimously agreed on as proposed by the Board of Directors. The protocol of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting is attached to this announcement. Certified Adviser Company’s Certified Adviser is Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310), Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1., DK-2500 Valby, tlf. +45 3345 1000 For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPENN Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: SPENN Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 0000

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Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær generalforsamling20.3.2024 14:46:33 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Notice to convene extra. general meeting

English version below Company Announcement No. 120 Bestyrelsen for SPENN Technology A/S, CVR-nr. 26 51 81 99 (”Selskabet”), indkalder hermed i henhold til § 4 i Selskabets vedtægter til ekstraordinær generalforsamling, der afholdes 3. april 2024, kl. 10.00. Generalforsamling afholdes som en fuldstændig elektronisk generalforsamling i overensstemmelse med § 5 i Selskabets vedtægter. Der vil således ikke være adgang til fysisk fremmøde. Instruktioner til deltagelse i den virtuelle generalforsamling vil være at finde på Selskabets hjemmeside i form af en praktisk guide. Dagsorden Valg af dirigent Forslag om salg af aktiver Forslag om ændring af hovednavn Forslag om valg til bestyrelsen Eventuelt Ad 1 – Valg af dirigent Bestyrelsen foreslår valg af Karl-Anders Grønland som dirigent. Ad 2 – Forslag om salg af aktiver Bestyrelsen foreslår at acceptere vedlagte købstilbud på aktiver i Selskabet. Yderligere information fremgår af vedlagte dokument Ad 3 – Forslag om ændring af hovednavn Bestyre

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SPENN Technology A/S recommends buy-out offer from Tyrill AB20.3.2024 13:54:11 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Takeover bid submitted by

Company Announcement No. 119 Inside Information SPENN Technology A/S has today received an offer from Tyrill AB to buy certain assets in the company. The board of SPENN Technology A/S is recommending the offer from Tyrill AB. The transaction entails that all shares in the portfolio companies Blockbonds AS, Kazang Zambia Ltd, JengaX AS and Valiant Advance Solution Ltd will be transferred to Tyrill AB, while SPENN Technology A/S will receive shares in Tyrill AB in an upcoming IPO. The transaction values the assets at SEK 210 000 000, of which SEK 200 000 000 will be paid in new shares in Tyrill AB and SEK 10 000 000 in cash. SPENN Technology A/S will consider paying out the shares in Tyrill AB to shareholders as an extraordinary dividend, meaning that current shareholders in SPENN Technology A/S will become direct shareholders in Tyrill AB. The transaction presupposes that current management in SPENN Technology and subsidiaries continue in the same roles in Tyrill AB. Jens Glasø will be

Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons associated with them27.12.2023 16:44:36 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Managers' transactions

In accordance with EU’s Market Abuse Regulation article 19, SPENN Technology A/S must notify Danish FSA and publicly disclose transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them on the trading of SPENN Technology shares. Company Announcement No. 117 SPENN Technology A/S has received notification pursuant to article 19 of regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the below transactions related to financial instruments linked to shares in SPENN Technology A/S. SPENN Technology hereby notifies and submits the following transaction of shares in SPENN: JAC Invest AS, owned by CEO at SPENN Technology A/S Jens Glaso, has purchased 10.000 shares for DKK 5,55 per share. The purchase results in a total holding of 5.305.557 shares of SPENN Technology A/S by JAC Invest AS. Mandatory transaction reports for the Danish FSA (Finanstilsynet) are attached to this announcement. For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPENN Technology A/

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Correction in relation to company announcement 104 and update of announcement 10527.12.2023 11:08:29 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 116 In "Company Announcement 104 Capital increase" dated the 25. April 2023 it was informed that a private placement of a total value of DKK 14.203.850 with a share price of DKK 10 would take place. The correct capital increase that was registered with Erhvervsstyrelsen in June 2023 was with a total value of DKK 14.312.000 with a share price of DKK 10. SPENN will apply with Nasdaq as soon as possible for the new shares to be adopted in to trading. In connection with "Company Announcement 105 Inside information about acquisition of 16% stake in NBX and capital" increase dated 22 May 2023 with an increase of 832.255 new shares and a subscription price of DKK 16. The transaction in which SPENN Technology A/S was to take over 16% of the shares in the Norwegian company NBX has been delayed and therefore no shares have been registered or issued as of now. There is dialogue between the parties in relation to the completion of the transaction and is expected to be clar

SPENN enters liquidity providing agreement with LAGO Kapital Ltd21.12.2023 16:22:08 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Company Announcement

Company Announcement No. 115 SPENN Technology A/S has today reinstated liquidity providing by entering a Liquidity Providing Agreement with Lago Kapital Ltd in accordance with the framework for Nasdaq Copenhagen rules for liquidity providing. In connection to the agreement for liquidity providing, JAC Invest A/S has agreed to lend 40,000 shares to Lago Kapital. Liquidity providing in accordance with the agreement will commence on 22 December 2023 and will remain until terminated by either SPENN or LAGO Kapital Ltd. The agreement has been concluded with reference to Nasdaq Nordic's Member Rules. For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPENN Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: Certified Adviser: Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S, Att.: Gert Mortensen, Partner. Phone: +45 33 45 10 00, SPENN Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 0000

SPENN Technology A/S: Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons associated with them21.12.2023 11:08:37 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Managers' transactions

In accordance with EU’s Market Abuse Regulation article 19, SPENN Technology A/S must notify Danish FSA and publicly disclose transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them on the trading of SPENN Technology shares. Company Announcement No. 114 SPENN Technology A/S has received notification pursuant to article 19 of regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the below transactions related to financial instruments linked to shares in SPENN Technology A/S. SPENN Technology hereby notifies and submits the following transaction of shares in SPENN: JAC Invest AS, owned by CEO at SPENN Technology A/S Jens Glaso, has purchased 13.299 shares for DKK 5,5934 per share. The purchase results in a total holding of 5.295.557 shares of SPENN Technology A/S by JAC Invest AS. Mandatory transaction reports for the Danish FSA (Finanstilsynet) are attached to this announcement.

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Correction: Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons associated with them20.12.2023 19:00:07 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Managers' transactions

Company Announcement No. 113 In company announcement no. 112, the purchased number of shares was informed to be 414.190 is not correct. The correct puchased number of shares are 84.016. The 414.190 refers to the total purchase price of the shares in DKK as also informed in the attached Notification form in Company Announcement 112. The total holdings of shares in SPENN Technology A/S owned by JAC Invest are 5.282.258. For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPENN Technology A/S. Phone +47 40 40 47 50, e-mail: Certified Adviser: Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S, Att.: Gert Mortensen, Partner. Phone: +45 33 45 10 00, SPENN Technology A/S CVR nr.: 26518199 Njalsgade 76, 4. 2300 København S Tel: +45 8830 0000 About SPENN Technology A/S In a world where 1.7 billion people are still unbanked, SPENN Technology has democratized access to financial markets by bridging the crypto sphere with traditional finance. By utilizing bl

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Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons associated with them20.12.2023 16:59:15 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Managers' transactions

In accordance with EU’s Market Abuse Regulation article 19, SPENN Technology A/S must notify Danish FSA and publicly disclose transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them on the trading of SPENN Technology shares. Company Announcement No. 112 SPENN Technology A/S has received notification pursuant to article 19 of regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the below transactions related to financial instruments linked to shares in SPENN Technology A/S. SPENN Technology hereby notifies and submits the following transaction of shares in SPENN: JAC Invest AS, owned by CEO at SPENN Technology A/S Jens Glaso, has purchased 414.190 shares for DKK 4,9299 per share. The purchase results in a total holding of 5.612.432 shares of SPENN Technology A/S by JAC Invest AS. Mandatory transaction reports for the Danish FSA (Finanstilsynet) are attached to this announcement. For further Information, please contact: Jens B. Glaso, CEO SPENN Technology

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SPENN Technology and NHIMA Partnership: A Leap Forward in Financial and Healthcare Inclusion in Zambia19.12.2023 13:10:08 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Investor News

SPENN Technology, a pioneer in fintech solutions across Africa, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with the National Health Insurance Management Authority (NHIMA) of Zambia. This collaboration is not just a milestone in healthcare accessibility but also a significant boost to the value proposition for SPENN Technology. Investor News 16/23 The integration of SPENN's payment system with NHIMA's insurance premium collection opens a new revenue stream for SPENN. Every transaction made for NHIMA premiums via the SPENN platform will contribute to our financial growth. This transaction-based revenue model is expected to boost our income, given the large number of NHIMA users. Furthermore, the visibility gained through this partnership enhances SPENN's brand recognition, potentially attracting new users beyond NHIMA's clientele. The increased user base is likely to lead to higher transaction volumes across our platform and paves the way for similar collaborations with other gove

SPENN Technology A/S Announces Exciting New Partnership Between Kazang Zambia and Woolworths Zambia27.11.2023 11:16:09 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Investor News

SPENN Technology A/S proudly announces that Kazang Zambia which is owned 60% by SPENN Technology A/S has entered a partnership between Kazang Zambia, Zambia's leading point of sale (POS) terminal network, and Woolworths Zambia, a major retail chain. This collaboration marks a significant step towards a cashless economy in Zambia, aligning perfectly with the Bank of Zambia's "Go Cashless" campaign. Investor News 15/23 Through this partnership, customers can now experience the ease of cashless transactions at any Woolworths store in Zambia, using a range of mobile money services including Mtn, Airtel, Zamtel, and SPENN. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to driving financial inclusion and digital financial services across the country. Woolworths, with its expansive international presence including operations in Zambia, reported an annual revenue of USD 4.6 billion in 2022 for its South African operations. This collaboration is set to unlock synergies between Woolworths and

Invitation to SPENN's Virtual Investor Event on the 8th of November7.11.2023 09:00:00 CET | SPENN Technology A/S | Investor News

Dear Valued SPENN Investors, We are pleased to invite investors to a virtual business update on SPENN Technology on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. SPENN would like to take this opportunity to present the many exciting initiatives and activities that have recently been carried out and what we are working on, what results we have already achieved and what we expect will happen in the future. We experience great interest from the market, customers and investors, which naturally happens as a result of the promising development and growth that SPENN is going through. We look forward to providing an overall overview of SPENN's performance, recent developments, relevant business improvements and a strategic outlook. During the event, we will offer in-depth presentations on our operational achievements and future initiatives. It will also serve as an interactive forum where you, as a key part of our investment community, can engage with our leadership team. To make this as efficient as possible

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