


Spirii is agile, fast-growing and high-spirited; a passionate group of people intent on building the future of charging solutions.

At Spirii, we strive to provide high-quality, innovative software and hardware that allows companies, municipalities and housing associations to help transition the world towards a more eco-friendly future. Our core focus is that those customers enjoy intelligently-connected charging solutions that are future-proof from day one, and that remain ahead of market challenges forever. A rich history in the EV industry makes us the most seasoned navigator in the space – and your perfect co-pilot on the road towards delivering smarter, simpler eMobility. Moreover, we pride ourselves on being easy to work with. Spirii is accessible, competent and friendly, offering services and products driven by a positive spirit and a strong internal culture. Our dream is to enable everyone to drive sustainably.


Globale Partnerschaft: Spirii und Hubject ermöglichen Plug&Charge sowie Roaminglösungen22.7.2024 07:30:00 CEST | Pressemeddelelse

Ladeinfrastrukturbetreiber und E-Mobilitätsanbieter können ihren Kunden jetzt Zugang zu einem breiten Ladenetzwerk bieten – ermöglicht durch Spirii’s Plattform und Plug&Charge Lösungen von Hubject. Ziel der Initiative ist es, das Laden von E-Autos durch automatische Identifizierung und Zahlungsabwicklung noch einfacher zu machen. Audi wird das erste Unternehmen sein, das die Plug&Charge-Technologie über die Plattform von Spirii implementiert.

Spirii acquired by Edenred, strengthening industry leadership.27.2.2024 07:00:00 CET | Pressemeddelelse

Spirii, a leading provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging platform solutions, today announces its majority acquisition by Edenred – one of the world's largest providers of B2B mobility and digital payment solutions. The acquisition is set to fast-track electrification and decarbonization in the transportation sector across Europe, the US, and Latin America. At the same time, this new partnership will help strengthen Spirii’s industry leadership as it enters an exciting new phase of global expansion.

Spirii opkøbt af Edenred: Styrker global markedsposition27.2.2024 07:00:00 CET | Pressemeddelelse

Den danske softwarevirksomhed og ladeoperatør Spirii offentliggør i dag, at Edenred, en af verdens største betalings- og mobilitetsplatforme, overtager aktiemajoriteten i virksomheden. Opkøbet forventes at styrke Spiriis markedsposition i Europa, USA og Latinamerika. Handlen med Edenred er en afgørende milepæl i Spiriis vækstrejse og markerer en vigtig ny fase af virksomhedens globale ekspansion.

Übernahme von Spirii durch Edenred: Stärkung der Branchenführerschaft27.2.2024 07:00:00 CET | Pressemeddelelse

Spirii, ein globaler Anbieter von Ladeplattformen für Elektrofahrzeuge (EV), gibt heute die mehrheitliche Übernahme durch Edenred bekannt. Edenred ist eine führende digitale Plattform für Dienstleistungen und Zahlungen und ein weltweit führender Anbieter von B2B-Mobilitätslösungen. Die Übernahme soll die Branchenführerschaft von Spirii stärken und die Elektrifizierung und Dekarbonisierung des Transportsektors in Europa, den USA und Lateinamerika voranbringen. Mit dieser Partnerschaft tritt Spirii in eine spannende neue Phase der globalen Expansion ein und setzt damit einen wichtigen Meilenstein auf ihrer Reise.
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Spirii is agile, fast-growing and high-spirited; a passionate group of people intent on building the future of charging solutions.

At Spirii, we strive to provide high-quality, innovative software and hardware that allows companies, municipalities and housing associations to help transition the world towards a more eco-friendly future. Our core focus is that those customers enjoy intelligently-connected charging solutions that are future-proof from day one, and that remain ahead of market challenges forever. A rich history in the EV industry makes us the most seasoned navigator in the space – and your perfect co-pilot on the road towards delivering smarter, simpler eMobility. Moreover, we pride ourselves on being easy to work with. Spirii is accessible, competent and friendly, offering services and products driven by a positive spirit and a strong internal culture. Our dream is to enable everyone to drive sustainably.


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