36 Søgeresultatrehabilitation


Joint Statement by Nordic Baltic countries on support to the Belarusian people26.1.2025 19:28:49 CET | Udenrigsministeriet | Pressemeddelelse

The Nordic-Baltic countries support the statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Kaja Kallas on support to the Belarusian people. The Nordic-Baltic countries stand in solidarity with the Belarusian people who strive for a free, democratic, sovereign and independent Belarus. A future democratic Belarus has a place in the European family. Our countries will continue to support the tireless efforts of the Belarusian democratic forces led by Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and independent Belarusian civil society both inside and outside Belarus. The Nordic-Baltic countries continue to support the democratic right of the Belarusian people to choose their leaders through free and fair elections. This requires rule of law, political pluralism, and full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms as genuine democratic preconditions. None of this is, regretfully, observed in today’s Belarus. Instead, the relentless and unprecedented level of repression, includi
Københavns Universitet      -        Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet

Electrical stimulation of the nervous system can improve motor learning11.12.2024 11:17:11 CET | Københavns Universitet - Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet | Press release

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have demonstrated that the brain's ability to learn certain skills can be significantly enhanced if both the brain and nervous system are primed by carefully-calibrated, precisely-timed electrical and magnetic stimulations. This new research has the potential to open entirely new perspectives in rehabilitation and possibly elite sports.
Københavns Universitet      -        Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet

Physical exercise boosts motor learning – and remembering what one has learned18.1.2024 11:45:00 CET | Københavns Universitet - Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet | Press release

Violinists, surgeons and gamers can benefit from physical exercise both before and after practicing their new skills. The same holds true for anyone seeking to improve their fine motor skills. This is demonstrated by new research from the University of Copenhagen, which, among other things, can make the way we rehabilitate more effective.
Grünenthal Group

Grünenthal starts Phase III trials for resiniferatoxin in osteoarthritis-related pain18.8.2022 13:24:23 CEST | Grünenthal Group | Pressemeddelelse

Global Phase III programme to enable marketing authorisation in the EU, the US and Japan for an innovativenon-opioid investigational medicine. The programme will be conducted across approx. 200 study sites and include more than 1800 patients suffering from pain associated with osteoarthritis. Globally, more than 300 million patients suffer from osteoarthritis[1]. The global osteoarthritis market is expected to grow to approximately $11.0 billion in 2025[2]. Aachen, Germany – 18 August 2022 –Grünenthal announced today that the company has enrolled the first patient in its global clinical Phase III programme for resiniferatoxin (RTX). RTX is a highly potent Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) agonist, with a well-validated mechanism of action. The discovery of TRPV1 was awarded the Nobel Prize of Physiology or Medicine in 2021. If approved, resiniferatoxin may provide patients with long-lasting pain relief with a favourable safety profile. Grünenthal’s Phase III programme wi
Grünenthal Group

Grünenthal to license osteoarthritis pain treatment to Shionogi in Japan in deal of up to > $ 500 million4.8.2022 09:00:00 CEST | Grünenthal Group | Pressemeddelelse

Grünenthal to license osteoarthritis pain treatment to Shionogi in Japan in deal of up to > $ 500 million Aachen, Germany – 4 August 2022 – Grünenthal and Shionogi announced today that they have entered into a licensing agreement for Grünenthal’s investigational medicine Resiniferatoxin (“RTX”). Shionogi obtained the exclusive rights to commercialise Grünenthal’s asset in Japan for pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee. RTX is currently in Phase III of clinical development for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe pain associated with knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis, a progressive and often painful joint disease, is an indication with high unmet medical need. If approved, RTX could become a well-tolerated, non-opioid therapy option for patients, providing long-lasting pain relief and functional improvement of the affected knee joints. Under the terms of the agreement, Shionogi will obtain the exclusive commercialisation rights for RTX in Japan for a total cons
Grünenthal Group

Grünenthal and NovaQuest enter agreement to advance the resiniferatoxin global Phase III program in osteoarthritis29.3.2022 12:05:00 CEST | Grünenthal Group | Press release

Grünenthal and NovaQuest announced today that they have entered into an agreement to advance the global clinical Phase III programme of Grünenthal's asset resiniferatoxin (RTX). The investigational medicine is being developed with the aim of providing patients suffering from pain associated with osteoarthritis with a well-tolerated, non-opioid therapy option that is intended to provide long-lasting pain relief and functional improvement of the affected joints. RTX is a highly potent Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) agonist with a well-validated mechanism of action. The Phase III trials will investigate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of RTX in patients with pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee. The trials will start in 2022 and are designed to meet the requirements for marketing approval in the EU, the US, and Japan. "Globally, more than 300 million patients suffer from osteoarthritis[1]. For many of them, the available treatment options are not suffici
Novo Nordisk Fonden

Novo Nordisk Fonden støtter 15 projekter, der skal afhjælpe globale humanitære nødsituationer2.7.2021 13:35:23 CEST | Novo Nordisk Fonden | Pressemeddelelse

Med ambitioner om at skabe verdens mest bæredygtige flygtningelejr i Uganda, støtte sårbare husstande i Myanmar og fremme mental sundhed i Jordan, spænder de nyligt annoncerede humanitære projekter støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden bredt. Overordnet tjener de dog de samme hovedformål: at fremme bæredygtighed inden for humanitære initiativer og mindske ulighed mellem kønnene. I alt har fonden uddelt 27,2 mio. kr. til 15 projekter.
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp

De humanitære og menneskelige konsekvenser i Israel-Palæstina kan blive uoverskuelige19.5.2021 10:00:00 CEST | Folkekirkens Nødhjælp | Pressemeddelelse

Fælles udmelding om situationen i Gaza og på Vestbredden på vegne af Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Amnesty International Danmark, Oxfam IBIS, Red Barnet, Dignity, EuroMed Rights, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, FN-forbundet, Danner, International Media Support, KFUM og KFUK i Danmark, Globalt Fokus, Betlehems Venner, Det Danske Hus i Palæstina.

96 input til den nye udviklingspolitiske strategi. Læs dem her12.3.2021 11:25:00 CET | Udenrigsministeriet | Pressemeddelelse

Civilsamfundet, interesseorganisationer, erhvervslivet og andre interessenter og borgere har givet input til, hvad den nye udviklingspolitiske strategi skal indeholde. Arbejdet med den ny udviklingspolitiske strategi er i gang. Den nye strategi skal efterfølge den nuværende ”Verden 2030”, som udløber i 2021. Minister for udviklingssamarbejde Flemming Møller Mortensen inviterede i den forbindelse civilsamfundet, interesseorganisationer, erhvervslivet og andre interessenter og borgere til at komme med input til, hvad den nye strategi skal indeholde. Udenrigsministeriet modtog 96 høringssvar, der giver input til, hvordan Danmark skal bidrage til at løse store de udfordringer, verden står over for – ikke mindst i lyset af coronakrisen, og at der er mindre end 10 år til at nå verdensmålene. Læs bidragene her: 3F 92-gruppen Acess2innovation Agricultural Development Denmark Asia (ADDA), COOP Danmark, CARE Danmark, Naturmælk, Fair Trade Danmark, REMA 1000, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (DanChurchAid),
VIA University College

VIA er med i nyt forskningsprogram om trivsel hos intensivpatienter11.11.2020 08:58:13 CET | VIA University College | Pressemeddelelse

VIA deltager i nyt forskningsprojekt, der skal undersøge, hvordan trivslen hos tidligere intensiv patienter kan forbedres. Udover selve sygdommen lider mange af udtalt træthed, depression og kognitive vanskeligheder efter indlæggelsen. Nu har et forskningsprojekt fået bevilget 7,5 mio. kroner fra Novo Nordisk Fonden til at afdække, hvad der kan hjælpe patienterne, og VIA er en del af projektet.
Novo Nordisk Fonden

Nyt forskningsprogram skal hjælpe intensivpatienter6.11.2020 06:30:00 CET | Novo Nordisk Fonden | Pressemeddelelse

I det seneste årti har den pleje og behandling, som intensivpatienter gennemgår, ændret sig. Derfor er det nødvendigt at finde nye måder at støtte og behandle tidligere intensivpatienter i forhold til at afhjælpe kognitive vanskeligheder. Et nyt rehabiliteringsprogram fokuserer på patienternes kognitive udfordringer både under indlæggelsen og tiden efter udskrivelsen til eget hjem. Novo Nordisk Fonden støtter forskningen med 7,5 mio. kr.

”Digital Sandbox” uddeler midler til udvikling af innovativ sundhedsteknologi2.9.2020 09:07:09 CEST | EIT Health Scandinavia | Pressemeddelelse

Seks europæiske startups inden for bioteknologi, medtech og digital sundhed modtager i alt 180.000 € i finansiering til at få adgang til klinisk data og biologiske prøver gennem samarbejde med europæiske biobanker og dataregistre. I løbet af det næste år vil virksomhederne deltage i et program finansieret af EIT Health under programmet ”Digital Sandbox”. Både den øgede digitaliseringen og den teknologiske udvikling har skabt enorme mængder medicinske data, der i høj grad kan bruges til forskning og udvikling. Programmet, under EIT Health, har til formål at hjælpe startups med at udnytte disse data for at skabe sundhedsinnovation og støtte til udviklingen af nye produkter og tjenester samt indlede samarbejde med biobanker og dataregistre i Europa. Alle udvalgte virksomheder er som minimum vurderet til et have en teknologiparathed på nivau 3 eller derover. Virksomhederne arbejder med innovation inden for forskellige områder som; Acobiom, Frankrig, Amadix og GlyCardial Diagnostics, Spanie
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