”Digital Sandbox” uddeler midler til udvikling af innovativ sundhedsteknologi


Seks europæiske startups inden for bioteknologi, medtech og digital sundhed modtager i alt 180.000 € i finansiering til at få adgang til klinisk data og biologiske prøver gennem samarbejde med europæiske biobanker og dataregistre. I løbet af det næste år vil virksomhederne deltage i et program finansieret af EIT Health under programmet ”Digital Sandbox”.

Både den øgede digitaliseringen og den teknologiske udvikling har skabt enorme mængder medicinske data, der i høj grad kan bruges til forskning og udvikling. Programmet, under EIT Health, har til formål at hjælpe startups med at udnytte disse data for at skabe sundhedsinnovation og støtte til udviklingen af nye produkter og tjenester samt indlede samarbejde med biobanker og dataregistre i Europa.

Alle udvalgte virksomheder er som minimum vurderet til et have en teknologiparathed på nivau 3 eller derover. Virksomhederne arbejder med innovation inden for forskellige områder som; Acobiom, Frankrig, Amadix og GlyCardial Diagnostics, Spanien i biomarkører i blodet til tidlig påvisning af sygdomme og personlig medicin og Fransk BeFC, der fremstiller elektricitet med papirer og enzymer og Radiobotics, Danmark og Healthinn: Rehand, Spanien som arbejder med digitale sundhed inden for AI / machine learning med behov for adgangen til sundhedsdata.

”I Radiobotics har vi en vision om at være med helt fremme når det gælder klinisk forskning og samarbejde med hospitaler, da det netop er afgørende for, at vi kan udvikle robust og valideret sundhedsteknologi. At kunne modtage midler fra EIT Health-netværket og deres “Digital Sandbox” initiativ, giver os en glimrende mulighed for at evaluere vores nye produkt i et samarbejde med Odense Universitetshospital, så vi kan sikre, at det endelige produkt faktisk understøtter klinikerne i deres arbejde, præcis som vi har tænkt os. ” Siger Martin Axelsen, ph.d., Forskningsdirektør & medstifter af Radiobotics.

Ole Graumann MD, ph.d., lektor, Radiologisk afdeling, Odense Universitetshospital og Institut for Klinisk Forskning, Syddansk Universitet: "Vi har brug for innovative løsninger, der kan optimere arbejdsgangen, hæve kvaliteten for beskrivelsen af røntgenbilleder for at holde trit med den stigende efterspørgsel efter beskrivelser af medicinske billeder. Forhåbentlig, kan vi, ved at arbejde med Radiobotics og deres nye teknologier, sikre en forbedret kvalitet af behandlingen af patienter med muskuloskeletale problemer. "

Halvdelen af finansieringen er øremærket til adgang til sundhedsdata eller biologiske prøver, og EIT Health vil støtte virksomhederne i at etablere forbindelser og samarbejde med biobanker og sundhedsdataregistre” forklarer Ulrika Zagai, projektleder for biobanker og dataregistre, EIT Health Scandinavia.

List of companies awarded.

Digital Sandbox Awarded Companies 2020

Acobiom - France

Acobiom is a biotechnology company specialised in the discovery of new biomarkers and in the development of innovative diagnostics. Expertise and knowledge in genomics, statistics, and machine learning.

The goal of the funded project is to use biomarkers for diagnosing and personalised treatment of pancreatic cancer. To succeed, clinical data and real-world data from different biobanks will be evaluated.

Area: Medtech

Contact: David Piquemal





Advanced Markers Discovery (Amadix) – Spain

Amadix is a biotechnology company developing innovative diagnostic tools in oncology to improve the diagnosis of different types of cancer through a non-invasive test. Amadix develops and commercialises diagnostic tools that address unmet medical needs. Amadix has a pipeline of innovative tests in development, for early diagnosis in colon, lung, and pancreatic cancer.

The goal of the funded project is to develop a test for early detection of colon cancer. In order to succeed Amadix needs access to health data from patients that have undergone a colonoscopy.

Area: Biotech

Contact: Lucía Reinoso

Email: lreinoso@amadix.com




BeFC Bioenzymatic Fuel Cells - France

BeFC makes electricity from papers and enzymes. The goal is to use eco-friendly paper based Bioenzymatic Fuel Cells (BeFC) in medical disposables like pregnancy tests to eliminate the environmental impact.

Area: Biotech

Contact: Jules Hammond and Marie Berthuel

Email: jules.hammond@befc.fr, marie.berthuel@befc.fr




GlyCardial Diagnostics - Spain

Early diagnosis of cardiac ischemic events to reduce the impact of the disease on patients' life. In ischemic events time is gold, we want to provide cardiologists with a tool so that they can act before it is too late.

In the funded project GlyCardial is focused on the development of a novel diagnostic test for the early detection cardiac events. To succeed, GlyCardial wants to use existing health data and biobank samples, more specific serum samples and anonymised clinical history data of patients within cardiology.

Area: Medtech

Contact: Judit Cubedo

Email: jcubedo@glycardial.com





Healthinn:Rehand - Spain

Healthinn:Rehand Rehabilitation solutions to solve current health problems and thereby improving the quality of life of patients. The first tablet solution for the rehabilitation of hand, wrist, and fingers. The devices also support decisions taken by healthcare professionals.

To empower their product demographic and clinical data related to the recovery of the injuries and surgical interventions in hand, wrist, and fingers, from thousands of patients will be used. Such data is accessible in Scandinavian quality registers.

Area: Digital health

Contact: Jesús Blanquero Villar

Email: jesusblanquero@rehand.net





Radiobotics - Denmark

Radiobotics  is developing algorithms for automatic analysis and description of routine medical x-ray images at hospitals, within musculoskeletal radiology.

In the funded project Radiobotics is developing a product for automatic analysis of radiographs of the hip. The developed machine learning model needs exposure to real-world data in order to ensure generalisability. This can be achieved by access to retrospectively collected digital radiographs of the pelvis and will allow for product validation. Such a data sample is for example accessible via a research sample collection in Denmark.

Area: Digital health

Contact: Martin Christian Axelsen and Stine Mølgaard Sørensen

Email: martin@radiobotics.com, stine@radiobotics.com




About Radiobotics 

Radiobotics is an award-winning health tech startup with a vision to automate the analysis and description of routine medical x-ray images at hospitals, with a focus on musculoskeletal radiology (MSk). Based on advanced computer vision and state-of-the-art machine learning methods, Radiobotics’ algorithms generate fully automated text reports with objective findings and conclusion, including visual overlays, to enhance consistency and make it faster and easier to make readings on routine medical x-ray images.

Radiobotics develops scientifically and clinically validated algorithms based on deep clinical understanding. The technology is designed and developed in close collaboration with clinicians to address their needs and requirements from the start. www.radiobotics.com

About EIT Health Scandinavia

EIT Health is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established by the EU body European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT). EIT Health is a collaboration between more than 150 Partners within pharma, medtech, healthcare and healthcare funders, research institutions, and universities. Backed by the European Union, EIT Health is Europe’s largest life science collaboration organisation, and one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide. EIT Health is active across three fields: business creation, education, and multidisciplinary healthcare innovation initiatives.

EIT Health has Partners and programmes in 17 countries. The other Co-Location Centres are present in Barcelona, Paris, London, Rotterdam, Heidelberg-Mannheim and Budapest. The headquarter of EIT Health is located in Munich. EIT Health Scandinavia covers Sweden, Denmark and Estonia, and the main office is located in Stockholm.


Stine Mølgaard
COO & Co-founder,

Christina Bergstrand
Communications & Marketing Manager
Marketing Communication


Information om EIT Health Scandinavia

EIT Health Scandinavia
Tomtebodavägen 23a
17165 Stockholm



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