The Port of Roenne is accelerating the enlargement of its harbour area to accommodate the need for more offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea before 2030
![Port of Roenne - Foto: Port of Roenne/Kristiffer Linus](/data/images/00111/6ba46b68-a416-4d74-a625-4e1a9ee13926-w_720.jpg)
The Baltic Energy Security Energy Summit has decided to sevenfold the amount of electricity from offshore wind in the Baltic Sea Region. To accommodate this goal, Port of Roenne A/S is accelerating a planned enlargement of its harbour facilities to enable the Port to manage multiple projects at the same time within a few years.
“The Baltic Energy Security Energy Summit is a powerful manifestation of how the countries of the Baltic Sea Region intend to intensify their collaboration on the enlargement of OWE capacity to enable us to become independent of Russian gas. Due to Bornholm’s location in the Baltic Sea, we of Port of Roenne A/S are experiencing an enormous interest in using our port’s facilities as a staging area for offshore wind turbine projects. This need will only grow in the years ahead, meaning that port infrastructure for OWE projects in the Baltic Sea Region can become scarce within a few years. Accordingly, we are accelerating our planned enlargement of harbour facilities that will enable us to manage multiple projects at the same time within a few years,” says Lars Nordahl Lemvigh, CEO, Port of Roenne A/S.
The Port of Roenne has been Bornholm’s gateway to the world for centuries, but an expansion project in 2019 elevated the port’s role to that of a green energy hub in the Baltic Sea within just a few years. This was in part because the Port of Roenne had been selected as the staging area for a number of the wind farm projects that are scheduled to be set up in the years ahead.
Last year, ‘Kriegers Flak’ – the biggest wind farm in Scandinavia – was launched from Roenne, and this year both foundations and wind turbines for Germany’s ‘Arcadis Ost 1’ project will be launched from the port. At present, the projects in the Port’s order book total almost three gigawatts. And that does not include the wind turbines for the forthcoming Energy Island Bornholm project, which is planned to be the first of its kind in the world with a potential for three gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030.
In addition to being a key staging area for OWE projects, the Port of Roenne is also involved in a number of projects aimed at accelerating the green transformation of shipping in the Baltic Sea.
Port of Roenne A/S is a member of the Bornholm Bunker Hub consortium which aims to make Bornholm a green refuelling station and envisions the possibility of providing green fuels to some of the more than 60,000 ships that sail past Bornholm each year. The consortium behind Bornholm Bunker Hub comprises eight partners: Ørsted, Molslinjen, Topsøe, Bunker Holding Group, Wärtsilä, Rambøll, Bureau Veritas and Port of Roenne A/S.
In addition to its efforts to become the Baltic Sea’s green refuelling station, the Port of Roenne is part of a European network of ports working to establish green shipping corridors crossing the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The European Green Corridors Network is operated by the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Centre for Zero Carbon Shipping and involves a number of key north European ports: Hamburg, Gdynia, Rotterdam and Tallinn. The European Green Corridors Network aims to demonstrate the early-stage commercialisation of alternative-fuel supply chains, give support to first-mover solutions and draw up a plan for rolling out green corridors in other areas and regions
Head of Press, Jesper Jürgensen,, +45 3065 2950
Information om Port of Roenne A/S
Port of Roenne A/S
The Port of Roenne is the biggest, oldest and only port for traffic and commercial activities on Bornholm, with more than 3,400 ships calling every year.
The Port serves ferry routes to Denmark, Sweden and Germany, and it is centrally located in the Baltic Sea, one of the world’s most heavily trafficked seaways. This makes Bornholm an important traffic hub for shipping traffic in the Baltic Sea and eventually for green solutions as well.
The Port of Roenne is a vital staging area for wind turbine projects in the Baltic Sea, and Port of Roenne A/S has an ambitious goal of becoming a green refuelling station for the shipping traffic of the future. The Port aims to service ships with green fuel and eventually to produce fuel utilising new technologies such as Power-to-X.
The Port of Roenne’s role as a green pit stop will help Denmark achieve its target of reducing carbon emissions by 70% by 2030.
The Port of Roenne was enlarged in 2019 to enable the port to accommodate wind turbine projects, and since then, the Port has initiated another enlargement to accommodate multiple wind-turbine projects at the same time. In June this year, a decision was made to future-proof the port even more by enlarging it, a project that is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. The port is being future-proofed to meet the rising demand for quay and harbour areas that can be used for wind turbine projects.
The international certification agency DNV has certified the Port of Roenne to four standards: quality, OHSE, environment and corporate social responsibility. In its efforts targeting the green transition, the Port has also been certified under the UN Sustainable Development Goals in 2022.
Port of Roenne A/S is a member of the Bornholm Bunker Hub consortium, which has seven other partners besides the Port: Ørsted, Molslinjen, Topsøe, Bunker Holding Group, Wärtsilä, Rambøll and Bureau Veritas.
In the years ahead, Port of Roenne A/S will also lead an EU-supported project that aims to explore the possibility of using renewable energy from the forthcoming Energy Island in the Baltic Sea (which will be located offshore from Bornholm) to establish local Power-to-X production of green fuels on Bornholm. The study is being led by Port of Roenne A/S and has several national partners, including Ørsted, Skovgaard Energy, Topsoe, Danfoss Drives, Rambøll, DTU Management, DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Bornholms Energi & Forsyning, the Regional Municipality of Bornholm (BRK) and Gate 21. The partners intend to look into a number of aspects of the Power-to-X production process, from production and financing to the possibilities of interconnecting power systems and district heating systems on Bornholm and across the Baltic Sea.
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