Danish Energy Agency

New agreement on an alternative location for Hesselø offshore wind farm

Hesselø offshore wind farm is to be moved south to a new location.

On 25 June 2022, the Danish Government (Socialdemokratiet) and the parties Venstre, Socialistisk Folkeparti, Radikale Venstre, Enhedslisten, Det Konservative Folkeparti, Dansk Folkeparti, Liberal Alliance, Alternativet og Kristendemokraterne decided that Hesselø offshore wind farm is to be moved to an area south of the original Hesselø area.

The political agreement on the new position follows a new fine screening conducted by COWI for the Danish Energy Agency. The fine screening was published on 11 May 2022, and it shows that the area south of the original Hesselø area is a good alternative because the seabed has been is assessed as better suited for establishment of the wind farm.

The new position means that Hesselø offshore wind farm is likely to be able to supply electricity to Danish households from 2028 and it will be completely finished in 2029.

More information:

Read the agreement about the alternative location for Hesselø offshore wind farm (only available in Danish).

Read Fine screening 2022 (only available in Danish).

Read about Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm.


  • Hesselø offshore wind farm is the second offshore wind farm agreed in the 2018 Energy Agreement. In the 2020 Climate Agreement for Energy and Industry it was decided to bring forward the tendering procedure and construction of the wind farm.
  • The wind farm will be completed at the end of 2029
  • Hesselø offshore wind farm will be erected in the Kattegat, north of Zealand, and it will provide 800-1,200 MW. Max. 1,000 MW can be supplied to the electricity grid via the connection point in Hovegård, about 50 km from the coast. The additional 200 MW capacity can by utilised by the constructor as “overplanting” to optimise the design of the wind farm and cables.


Ture Falbe-Hansen, Head of Media Relations, tfh@ens.dk, tel. +45 25 13 78 46

Jonas Axelgaard, Head of Division, joax@ens.dk, tel. +45 41 62 36 01




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Danish Energy Agency
Danish Energy Agency
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+45 33 92 67 00http://www.ens.dk

The Danish Energy Agency works for a sustainable future. We are responsible for cost-effective and secure supply of electricity, gas, heating, water, telecoms and waste management. Our objective is to realize an intelligent green transition, where Denmark is a front runner and Danish experience can serve as inspiration to countries around the globe.

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