Lotte Friis afholder swim clinic

World Champion and European Champion 800m freestyle Lotte Friis gives a Swimming Clinic to elite club swimmers , held in Copenhagen , on April 4

World record holder, World champion, and European champion Lotte Friis has committed to pass on her knowledge and expertise to young Danish swimmers in an Arena Swimming Clinic to be held in Copenhagen on 4th April. The Clinic focuses on the 9-14 year age group, and will draw youngsters from a variety of clubs in the Danish capital.

The Arena Clinic provides young aspirant swimmers the ideal opportunity to learn from the best of Denmarks developing swimming culture. As a 23-year-old performing at the peak of her capabilities, Lotte is perfectly positioned to offer insights into swimming technique and training regimens, as well as the psychological side of the sport. And with the 2012 Olympics in London at the forefront of most swimmers minds, she will be able to share what an Olympian goes through to prepare for the worlds biggest sporting stage, particularly as she hopes to better the 800m bronze medal she won in Beijing, and emulate her champion and record-breaking performances of the past two years.

Lotte returns to Denmark for the clinic from the French National Championships in Strasbourg, where she won both the 800m and 1500m freestyle in two of the years fastest times. As a result she will be in the best possible frame of mind to pass on her winning ways to the eager youngsters.

"Im very excited about the opportunity of working with a group of keen young swimmers who are eager to learn. Swimming has been very good to me, and so if I am able to instill the belief in these aspiring athletes that they can achieve their dreams, just as I have, I will have made a difference and started paying back, at least in some small way, the good fortune Ive been lucky enough to enjoy." Lotte Friis.

Possibility to have interview with Lotte Friis from 2:45 pm to 3:30 on April 4 at Hørsholm Svømmehal.

Any media which cannot make the day, but is wanting a telephone interview or wants
more information of the program, can be arranged by contacting;

Henrik Norre Nielsen
+45 4059 1477
Getro A/S


Lotte Friis
Lotte Friis
Billede 2 af Lotte Friis
Billede 2 af Lotte Friis
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