Global Lightning Protection Services A/S moves to World Class Quality League
Global Lightning Protection Services A/S has received the Certificate of Compliance for the company quality management system. Bureau Veritas Certification has evaluated the quality management system in accordance to the Aerospace Standard AS/EN 9100 and in accordance to ISO/EN 9001. Global Lightning Protection Services A/S has been found in compliance with the standard which places the company in an exclusive league of companies qualified as supplier to aerospace.
Global Lighting Protection Services A/S is only the tenth company in Denmark which achieves this level of certification.
The last couple of years Global Lightning Protection Services A/S has been in the process of enhancing the qualifications of the Quality Management System to the world top league. The work has resulted in very interesting processes for employees and the management, giving a culture change of keeping quality throughout everything which is done and specially in the relation toward customers.
The company has been audited by aerospace auditor Tom Christensen from Bureau Veritas Certification. “It has been a positive pleasure to work with Global Lightning Protection Services A/S. Through the entire process I have been met with full commitment from employees as well as management, and it has been obvious to me that this company really wants to go to the World Class League of quality” he states during the hand-over of the certificate.
“Global Lightning Protection Services A/S has always been focused on providing high quality services, tests and products to our customers. When the management decided to ask for third party qualification of the quality management system, it was natural for us to go further than just a normal ISO 9001 certification” says CPO Thomas Holm Krogh, who has been the main coordinator for the process. “The management team believes that the process towards Aerospace Standard of Quality has been the most important part of the work. It has given a throughout awareness of quality for both employees and for management and we are taking this with us in the future cooperation with customers” he explains. The company works with all types of customers primary within wind turbine- and aerospace industry and they meet high requirements for quality focus from various sources. Thomas Holm Krogh explains further “When we are being quality qualified from our customers, both small and large international companies, we can already feel that the certification of our company helps ease the processes of approval. It gives respect in the business that we have selected this high level”.
CEO of the company Kim Bertelsen is happy of the work executed “We are very proud of getting to this level of quality management. It creates world wide acknowledgement of our skills and of our focus”. Due to the deep involvement with international industry partners, the certification is also going to be used in the future towards new- and existing customers. “The certificate automatically gives us a head start when approaching new customers” Kim Bertelsen explains.
The quality process is an ongoing process. So for Global Lightning Protection Services A/S a quality management system is a continued process which never stops and which shall keep on pressing and focusing on optimizing processes and delivering high end products and services.
Michael Ariel Nielsen
CSO, Chief Sales Officer
B.Sc.E.E., MBA
HI-Park 445
7400 Herning
Direct telephone: +45 3070 1718
Telephone: +45 7026 0211
Information om Global Lightning Protection Services A/S
HI Park 445
7400 Herning
+45 7026 0211
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