Business Wire

Ant International President Highlights AI and Connectivity as Key SME Growth Drivers


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being converted into flexible cross-border payment and digitisation solutions to help SMEs raise efficiency, lowering costs and controlling risks.More industry collaborations are needed to bridge payment systems and tech know-how.

Digital payment innovations are increasingly powerful tools for global businesses to raise productivity and turbocharge growth. The Digital Payment Market size1 is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.8% and reach US$193.7 billion. However, there are digital divides and silos abound in core financial services for the global commerce system, especially in cross-border online and offline digital payment and settlement.

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Douglas Feagin (left), President of Ant International, discussed payments innovation at GFTN Forum Japan in March 2025. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Even as technology advances in leaps and bounds, small businesses continue to face challenges in today’s digitised international transactions, from cross-border payment to cross-market growth,” said Douglas Feagin, President of Ant International, during the GFTN Forum held during the Japan Fintech Festival in Japan in March 2025. “We need to convert exciting developments in foundational technologies, such as AI, into comprehensive, effective and affordable solutions for the world’s long-tail business community.”

Ant International’s flagship Alipay+ cross-border mobile payment and digitisation technology has expanded to support 36 international payment apps, connecting over 90 million merchants across 66 markets. This “invisible” technology behind the cash register enables merchants to receive cross-border payments seamlessly and securely from individuals using their home e-wallets while maintaining competitive foreign exchange rates.

Interoperability is key, as local SMEs should be able to accept international payments more easily. In Asia, initiatives like national QRs have greatly boosted connectivity, and Alipay+ helps to bridge these infrastructures with our global payment partner users, but more needs to be done to bring together card and wallet-based ecosystems, Feagin said.

For SMEs, the capacity to accept various forms of international payments is not merely an advantage; it has become an essential factor for survival and growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace, Feagin noted.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is crucial in addressing these pressing needs by providing tools that help SMEs make informed decisions swiftly, ensuring they meet customer demands while minimizing operational risks. A recent McKinsey report2 for 2025 underscores this importance, indicating that 92% of businesses plan to increase their AI investments this year. The consulting firm earlier predicted that companies integrating AI into their financial operations can expect productivity increases of up to 25%3.

At Ant International, AI-powered solutions are being developed to forecast currency demands based on transaction flows, enhancing efficiency in foreign exchange processes and steering the industry towards real-time payment systems.

For instance, Ant International’s AI-driven solution can forecast customers’ foreign-exchange needs with more than 90% accuracy based on provided data, which enables the company to help customers optimise their FX strategies.

As financial fraud becomes increasingly sophisticated, AI is paramount in safeguarding transactions. Ant International’s AI-powered risk management capabilities can effectively implement advanced fraud detection mechanisms that analyse patterns, identify anomalies, and protect against potential threats.

Interoperability will continue to be enhanced, particularly in Asia, where national QR systems and mobile wallets facilitate seamless transactions. This trend is expected to evolve rapidly as new LLM models are developed, enabling companies to streamline these workflows, said Feagin.

“We expect this revolution to continue at a rapid pace, and AI to accelerate efficiency and provide solutions for our customers,” added Feagin.


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