Largest ever: 65,000 runners can participate in the World Championships in Copenhagen
It might become the largest participant event ever held on Danish soil when Copenhagen hosts the World Championships in Half Marathon, 5K, and One Mile in September 2026. Up to 65,000 runners will have the chance to take part as the world’s elite compete for gold in the streets of the Danish capital.

Six world champions and 65,000 runners just behind them. In September 2026, the heart of Copenhagen is expected to be the stage for Denmark’s largest-ever participant event.
The World Athletics Road Running Championships Copenhagen 26 will take place on September 19-20, 2026. A total of 65,000 participants will join the running festivities behind the world's fastest female and male athletes competing in the Half Marathon, 5K, and One Mile distances.
"It is truly unique that both the world elite and recreational runners can participate in a world championship in the streets of Copenhagen. I hope there will be great spectator support both along the course and among those lacing up their running shoes, so we can show the rest of the world that Copenhagen is worth betting on as a host for major events that create joy, engagement, and attract tourists to the city," says Lord Mayor of Copenhagen, Lars Weiss.
He is followed by the Mayor of Culture and Leisure, who point out the historical element of the event:
"The World Athletics Road Running Championships in 2026 will be more than just a championship. In collaboration between Sparta, Danish Athletics, the City of Copenhagen, and a range of strong partners, the event will be the culmination of a running festival that invites Copenhageners and visitors to experience the city at running pace. With the potential to become the largest participant event ever on Danish soil, it will be a historic occasion where exercise, community, and Copenhagen’s unique setting come together," says Mayor of Culture and Leisure, Mia Nyegaard.
The City of Copenhagen, together with Sport Event Denmark and Wonderful Copenhagen, is behind the championship, which is organized for World Athletics by Danish Athletics and Sparta Athletics & Running.
Building on a Success
This is not the first time these five organizations have collaborated on a World Championship running event in the streets of Copenhagen. In 2014, they hosted the World Half Marathon Championships, which was a great success and served as the launchpad for the now-annual Copenhagen Half Marathon.
"The streets of Copenhagen have hosted some of the world’s most iconic races – running and cycling – and now they will once again set the stage for a historic sporting event. As the world’s best runners compete for championship titles, they will be joined by tens of thousands of recreational runners in a truly unique celebration of running. With our experience from the 2014 World Half Marathon Championships and Denmark’s strong tradition of hosting international events, we look forward to welcoming the world to an unforgettable race through the heart of Copenhagen,” says Lars Lundov, CEO, Sport Event Denmark.
Wonderful Copenhagen is equally excited about bringing the World Championships to the capital – especially with the prospect of welcoming up to 20,000 international runners who are expected to travel to Copenhagen to participate in the historic running event.
”We’re very excited about welcoming the World Athletics Road Running Championships to Copenhagen. Not only is the event expected to attract thousands of runners and top athletes from around the world, but it also reaffirms Copenhagen’s position as a leading event destination. We look forward to showcasing the city’s strong focus on sustainability and the inclusion of locals and visitors in its event efforts,” says Søren Tegen Pedersen, CEO at Wonderful Copenhagen.
A Running Festival for All of Denmark
The ambition behind a festive event with record numbers of participants and spectators in Copenhagen is also to extend the impact of the running movement to the entire country through Denmark’s athletics and running clubs.
“We are excited to welcome the world elite to the World Championships – but equally to highlight running and the communities we offer in our Danish member clubs. Trained coaches are ready to welcome runners into inspiring and motivating training environments for both amateur and elite runners across the country,” says Lars Werge, President of Danish Athletics.
Among the experienced organizers is Sparta Athletics & Running, which has been hosting the Copenhagen Marathon for over 40 years and has been behind the Copenhagen Half Marathon since 2014. The latter gathered nearly 30,000 runners in 2024 and sold out in only three hours.
“We are in a strong position to deliver a World Championship that not only meets the expectations of World Athletics and the passionate running community but also raises the bar for this type of event. We look forward to creating a championship that will be remembered as both the largest and best-organized ever while also being known for strong engagement around the event,” says Dorte Vibjerg, CEO of Sparta Athletics & Running.
Everyone Can Participate in the World Championships
Due to overwhelming demand in the recent year, participation in the half marathon distance will be sold via a lottery system which is open from March 6-20, 2025. Interested runners can sign up during this period, after which a draw will determine who receives race bibs. Registration for the 5K and One Mile distances will open for general sale on April 23, 2025.
Facts about the World Athletics Road Running Championships Copenhagen 26
- The World Championships will take place September 19-20, 2026, in the streets of Copenhagen.
- World champions will be crowned in the Half Marathon, 5K, and One Mile (1.609 km) distances.
- The world’s elite runners will participate, but the distances are open to all interested runners.
- The 5K and One Mile races will take place on Saturday, September 19, 2026.
- The Half Marathon will be held on Sunday, September 20, 2026.
- The Half Marathon lottery will be open from March 6-20, 2025.
- General registration for the 5K and One Mile races will open on April 23, 2025.
- Capacity limits: 10,000 runners for One Mile, 20,000 for 5K, and 35,000 for Half Marathon.
- Race routes will be published before the lottery opens.
- The World Athletics Road Running Championships Copenhagen 26 is hosted for World Athletics by Danish Athletics and Sparta Athletics & Running, in collaboration with the City of Copenhagen, Sport Event Denmark, and Wonderful Copenhagen.
- More information is available at the new website HERE
- Follow the event on Facebook and Instagram (WRRCCopenhagen26)
Bodil KjærgaardSparta Athletics & Running
Tlf:+45 22 25 24 29bokj@sparta.dkBilleder
About Sparta Athletics & Running
Sparta Athletics & Running is Denmark’s leading running and athletics club, with more than 2,000 members, and one of Europe’s largest race organizers, hosting events such as the Copenhagen Half Marathon, Copenhagen Marathon, DHL Relay Copenhagen, and Copenhagen Athletics Games.
Sparta Athletics & Running is based at Østerbro Stadium, where we run Denmark’s largest athletics club, driven by a passionate coaching staff and an inspiring training environment.
In our running division, we offer daily training across more than 20 different training groups. Here, runners of all distances and levels meet, train, and find inspiration.
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