New CFO announced in NIRAS
Ann-Sofie Østberg Bjergby to join NIRAS as new Chief Financial Officer.

We are pleased to announce Ann-Sofie Østberg Bjergby as NIRAS's new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective 1 March 2025. Ann-Sofie comes to us from her role as CFO at AKF, a property and project development company that constructs and develops buildings. Prior to her time at AKF, she held various positions in finance and accounting, establishing herself early on as a dedicated and forward-thinking professional.
With a background in accounting and M&A, as well as solid experience in CFO roles, Ann-Sofie combines financial expertise with a strategic mindset, making her a strong addition to NIRAS’s top management team.
“We are delighted to welcome Ann-Sofie as NIRAS’s new CFO. Despite being early in her career, Ann-Sofie has already demonstrated significant achievements and brings fresh perspectives to NIRAS. With experience spanning finance, IT, HR, and sustainability, she is well-positioned to help drive NIRAS’s growth and advance our financial, digital, and sustainability agendas. I look forward to working closely with Ann-Sofie and supporting her as she thrives in this role, helping NIRAS achieve our ambitious goals,” said Carsten Toft Boesen, CEO of NIRAS.
Ann-Sofie Østberg Bjergby added:
“I am truly excited to be joining NIRAS and contributing to its ambitious strategy and vision for international growth. This role marks an exciting new chapter in my career, and I am eager to build on NIRAS’s strong foundation alongside my future colleagues. I look forward to learning from the team, growing together, and working towards great achievements as we shape NIRAS’s future success.”
Carsten Toft BoesenCEONIRAS
Tel:2141 8344CTB@NIRAS.DKImages

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