HCA Airport now offers fast-track to BVLOS testing
The UAS Denmark Test Center at H.C. Andersen Airport is now providing businesses the opportunity to test their smaller drones on BVLOS operations. Through a collaboration with Scandinavian Drone Solutions (SDS), it can become a reality in a matter of weeks, a significant improvement from the normal timeline of up to nine months.
H.C. Andersen Airport now enables drone operators to fly BVLOS without the usual time-consuming application process.
This breakthrough is the result of a partnership between the airport’s international drone test center, UAS Denmark Test Center, and consultancy firm Scandinavian Drone Solutions. Together, they have streamlined the process, allowing BVLOS operations with smaller drones in a matter of weeks.
The opportunity arises following SDS's recent achievement as the first company in Denmark to receive a Light UAS Operator Certificate (LUC). This certification permits other businesses to operate under SDS’s approval for drones with dimensions of up to three meters.
“This is an extraordinary opportunity for businesses needing to quickly test their smaller drones,” says Michael Larsen, Head of UAS Denmark Test Center, and adds:
“UAS has one of the largest BVLOS airspaces in Europe, and with our collaboration with SDS, companies can start testing within a few weeks. That opportunity is quite unique and is not systematized in the same way elsewhere.”
“We anticipate that our collaboration with UAS Denmark Test Center will attract far more drone manufacturers to H.C. Andersen Airport because of the streamlined process that allows them to quickly validate and collect data on their UAS. By that, they can provide faster feedback to their developers,” says Jens Rahbek, COO of Scandinavian Drone Solutions.
For companies interested in testing smaller drones for BVLOS operations at H.C. Andersen Airport, more information is available through UAS Denmark Test Center.
For further details, please contact:
Michael Larsen, Head of UAS Denmark Test Center, T 2550 5301
Jens Rahbek, COO, Scandinavian Drone Solutions, T 2380 8172
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