Statement from the Danish Refugee Council on Syrian refugees in Denmark
The question of returning Syrian refugees to their home country remains deeply complex and sensitive. While recent political developments in Syria have drawn attention, it is critical to emphasize that any return should be voluntary, safe, and informed.
At present, the situation in Syria remains too uncertain to responsibly consider initiating discussions about revoking Syrian refugees' residence permits in Denmark. Premature debates will only heighten anxiety among individuals already living under immense uncertainty, yielding no meaningful outcomes.
The UN Refugee Convention explicitly states that there must be fundamental, stable, and durable changes in the home country before any individual's refugee status can be revoked. Such conditions are far from being met in Syria today. Even for Syrian refugees who fled the civil war and have been granted other forms of protection in Denmark, some level of stability is required before revocation should be considered.
The protracted uncertainty surrounding Syrian refugees' status in Denmark has already had detrimental effects. Research shows that living in a constant state of insecurity hampers refugees' ability to learn Danish, integrate into society, and contribute to the labor market. These impacts serve no one — not the refugees, not Denmark, and not the broader aim of fostering cohesive communities.
European leaders, including those in Denmark, have often agreed that refugees should return home when conditions allow. But determining when it is genuinely safe is fraught with challenges. The recent upheavals in Syria highlight how quickly the situation can change. As recently as October, the Danish Refugee Appeals Board deemed Homs stable enough to revoke a Syrian man's residence permit. Today, we face a completely altered reality, not only in Homs but across the country.
Let us focus on fostering security and integration for Syrian refugees within Denmark, until such a time when returning to Syria becomes a safe and viable choice.
Statement by Charlotte Slente, Secretary General at the Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
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About the Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
DRC is Denmark’s largest NGO. We are a leading international NGO - one of the few with a specific expertise in forced displacement. In 40 countries across the world our 8,000 employees work to protect, advocate and build sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement-affected people and communities.
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