
Hydrogen Denmark and NL Hydrogen enter cooperation


NL Hydrogen and Hydrogen Denmark have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The aim of the cooperation is to tighten the bonds between the organisation and thereby increase hydrogen collaboration between the Danish and Dutch hydrogen sectors.

It is with great pleasure that the two national hydrogen associations, NL Hydrogen and Hydrogen Denmark, have agreed to strengthen their bilateral cooperation with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The MoU was signed during the working visit of H.M. King Willem Alexander, King of the Netherlands, to Denmark. The visit had the aim to expand cooperation between the Netherlands and Denmark in the realm of hydrogen and regional hydrogen infrastructure and thus provided the perfect backdrop to formalise the cooperation between the two national hydrogen associations.

H.M. Willem Alexander was joined by H.M. Frederik X of Denmark when the MoU was signed. It was therefore under the watchful eye of two kings that chairman of the board representing NL Hydrogen, Marcel Galjee, and CEO of Hydrogen Denmark, Tejs Laustsen Jensen, signed the MoU.

“We are very happy to have signed this MoU with our colleagues in the Netherlands. Our two countries are working systematically towards decarbonising our societies and we see very similar needs for hydrogen as a path to reach net-zero economies. We look forward to strengthening the bonds and stimulate cooperation between Denmark and the Netherlands, focussing on hydrogen infrastructure and the hard to abate sectors, such as green shipping and aviation,” says Hydrogen Denmark’s CEO, Tejs Laustsen Jensen. 



Brintbranchen er en fokuseret interesseorganisation for brint- og Power-to-X-interessenter i Danmark. 

Vi repræsenterer hele værdikæden fra forskning til færdigudviklede produkter. Hver dag arbejder vi for at fremme produktion og brugen af brint, Power-to-X (PtX), brændselsceller, elektrolyse, electrofuels og de bagvedliggende teknologier. 

Vores ambition er, at Danmark udnytter sit potentiale til at blive foregangsland inden for brint og Power-to-X, og vi arbejder hver dag for at skabe de bedst mulige rammer for forskning, udvikling, produktion og eksport af vores medlemmers teknologier og produkter.


NLHydrogen is the hydrogen industry association that connects, strengthens, and represents the Dutch hydrogen sector. Our association has members active in the production, import, transport, use and storage of hydrogen, including the related manufacturing industry. Together, we are leading the transition to a CO2-free society. Through knowledge building and sharing, a powerful network and sustainable solutions, we ensure that our members are and remain frontrunners.

Read more about NLHydrogen here

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