Spirii and Zaptec unveil new smart charging algorithm to revolutionise management of large data volumes
Spirii and Zaptec have collaboratively developed a new algorithm named PowerDelta, designed to make operating a charging network more energy-efficient and cost-effective.
The algorithm ensures that meter data from the chargers are only transmitted when there are deviations in the power supply, instead of being sent at fixed intervals.
This will help data centers avoid unnecessary power consumption for data sharing, thereby significantly reducing the need to transport large data volumes between systems.

Copenhagen, Denmark - Spirii, a global provider of EV charging solutions, has teamed up with Zaptec, a leading EV charging manufacturer to develop a new algorithm designed to significantly improve energy and cost efficiency in electric vehicle (EV) charging.
The PowerDelta algorithm enables chargers to transmit meter data only when deviations in power supply occur, as opposed to sending data updates every second which has been standard procedure in the industry until now.
This change drastically reduces the volume of data transmitted, helping data centers cut unnecessary power consumption associated with data sharing and minimising the transfer of large data volumes between systems.
For example, if a charging station delivers 11 kW, data updates will only be triggered by significant changes, such as a deviation of 100 W, rather than transmitting the same meter reading every second. During an 8-hour overnight charge, this adjustment can reduce the number of updates from approximately 30,000 to as few as 100—representing a data processing reduction of over 99%.
This shift not only improves data transmission efficiency but also eases the burden on the telecom network, ultimately lowering the operational costs associated with data handling for charge point operators.
Torben Fog, CIO and Co-founder of Spirii, comments: "The PowerDelta algorithm significantly reduces the amount of data transfers. This is a game-changer, enabling us to offer smarter charging solutions that alleviate pressure on both telecom networks and server farms. Smaller data volumes also mean lower costs for data management, which is great news for charging operators. In other words, the algorithm helps save both energy and money in powering electric vehicles."
Knut Braut, CTO of Zaptec, says: “The demand for scalable and efficient charging infrastructure is more pressing than ever. The PowerDelta algorithm offers a vital solution to this challenge by providing a smarter way to manage charging networks. Our focus remains on collaboration and innovation, working closely with industry partners to continuously push technological boundaries. Through these efforts, we aim to enhance the efficiency of our charging infrastructure and minimise the energy consumption associated with our operations."
The PowerDelta algorithm builds on the industry-standard Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), offering an enhanced, optional solution, ensuring seamless integration across platforms and enhancing interoperability for charge point operators worldwide.
Tanja Møller Andersen
PR & Public Affairs Director
+45 25183906
Maiken Økland
Head of Communications
+47 98066705
About Spirii
Spirii, an Edenred company, was founded in 2019 in Copenhagen, Spirii is present in 19 markets and boasts offices in Copenhagen, Barcelona, Hamburg, Nice, and London. With a team of 130 dedicated professionals driving the future of electric mobility forward, Spirii offers a market-leading charge point management system and customised charging solutions for companies, fleets, and charge point operators.
Spirii also provides a charging app for EV drivers to access a public roaming network across Europe. With an extensive partner network spanning two continents and more than 600,000 charge points through roaming agreements, Spirii serves a diverse clientele across various sectors, including logistics, fleet, real estate, retail, and energy and utility companies.
About Edenred
Edenred is a leading digital platform for services and payments and the everyday companion for people at work, connecting more than 60 million users and more than 2 million partner merchants in 45 countries via close to 1 million corporate clients.
Edenred offers specific-purpose payment solutions for food (such as meal benefits), engagement (such as gift cards and engagement platforms), mobility (such as multi-energy solutions, including EV charging, maintenance, toll and parking) and corporate payments (such as virtual cards).
True to the Group’s purpose, “Enrich connections. For good.”, these solutions enhance users’ well-being and purchasing power. They improve companies’ attractiveness and efficiency,and vitalize the employment market and the local economy. They also foster access to healthier food, more environmentally friendly products and sustainable mobility.
Edenred’s 12,000 employees are committed to making the world of work a connected ecosystem that is safer, more efficient and more responsible every day.
In 2023, thanks to its global technology assets, the Group managed €41 billion in business volume, primarily carried out via mobile applications, online platforms and cards.
Edenred is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and included in the following indices: CAC 40, CAC 40 ESG, CAC Large 60, Euronext 100, Euronext Tech Leaders, FTSE4Good and MSCI Europe.
The logos and other trademarks mentioned and featured in this press release are registered trademarks of Edenred S.E., its subsidiaries or third parties. They may not be used for commercial purposes without prior written consent from their owners.
About Zaptec
Zaptec, a leading Norwegian technology company, has rapidly established itself as a global pioneer in smart charging systems for electric vehicles. With a team of visionary engineers, technologists, and developers, Zaptec is dedicated to transforming perceptions of electricity consumption, infrastructure, and renewable energy. The company has developed innovative technology that enables the creation of user-friendly, cloud-connected charging stations, tailored to meet current and future needs.
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