Europe's politics come to life in the regions / What does the EU actually do in my region?



You don't have to travel to Brussels or Strasbourg to experience the politics of the European Union – a lot happens right on your own doorstep. 

The EU strengthens economic and social cohesion with the so-called structural funds. The aim is to reduce regional imbalances. 

While the Cohesion Fund is only used in the less developed member states of the European Union, other funds benefit all member states. In all cases, however, the principle of co-financing applies: if projects are subsidised with European funds, public funds from the country concerned must always be contributed as well. This means that the amount of funding actually used is significantly higher than the pure contributions from the EU fund. 

Around one third of the EU budget is used for cohesion and structural policy. Around 378 billion euros are available for the current funding period. 

All funded projects should contribute to five fundamental policy objectives: a smart, green, better connected, social and citizen-centred Europe. 

EU4regions receives funding from the EU Commission




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