Premiere på dansk-ukrainsk musikdokumentar VITA–VOICES OF LIFE AND VICTORY
Filmen fortæller historien om den prominente ukrainske komponist Victoria Vita Poleva, som flygtede fra sit hjem iKyiv under de første dage af den russiske invasion. Ligesom de andre ukrainske kvindelige musikere, som manmøder i filmen, forsøger hun at genfinde sig selv i en svær tid og bevare den kreative tilværelse langt vækhjemmefra.
Torsdag d. 24. oktober kl. 16:30 - Palads Biograf i København
Musikernes beretninger og komponistens budskaber forstærkes af voldsomme krigsbilleder fra Ukraine. De simple, men stærke toner forbinder kvindernes historier og bliver dokumentarens omdrejningspunkt.
Filmoptagelserne finder sted på Vemmetofte Kloster - et historisk tilholdssted for kvinder i Danmark gennem 300 år. Her samles kvinderne for at fordybe sig i Victoria Vita Polevas smukke musikalske univers, få et pusterum fra krigen og takke de lokale for deres gæstfrihed med en koncert.
De ømfindtlige og levende beretninger, filmet af den anerkendte danske dokumentarist Torben Skjødt Jensen, kan ikke efterlade seeren uden refleksioner. Ghita Beckendorffs dynamiske klipning af filmen, kombineret med de skarpe sort-hvide billeder af fotograf Jan Grarup viser kontrasten mellem krigens grusomheder i Ukraine og stilhedens skønhed i den danske provins.
Hvilken skæbne venter de ukrainske kvinder i eksil? Hvad kommer til at ske med liv og karrierer for komponisten Victoria Vita Poleva, sopranen Mariana Golovko-Danchenko, cellisten Zhanna Marchinska og mange andre udøvende kunstnere? Hvornår ophører den tvungne adskillelse fra fædrelandet? Hvornår stopper denne blodige krig?
Ønsket om at besvare disse spørgsmål har fået den danske koncertpianist med ukrainske rødder Elisabeth Holmegaard Nielsen til at sætte sin karriere på pause. I stedet har hun dedikeret sig til at producere filmen "Vita" i samarbejde med foreningen Nielsen Saloner, som i mange år har støttet ukrainsk kultur i Danmark.
Filmens musikere, producer og instruktør vil være med til premieren, der finder sted
Torsdag d. 24. oktober 2024 kl. 16:30 i Palads Biograf, Sal 4, Axeltorv 9, 1609 København V.
Premieren bliver mulig takket være Nordisk Film Biografer, Dansk Kapelmesterforening, Ukraine House, Nielsen Saloner og Den Ukrainske Ambassade i Danmark. Nataliya Popovych, formand for Ukraine House, vil hoste begivenheden.
Intimkoncert med musik af Victoria Vita Poleva og artist talk finder sted næste dag,
Fredag d. 25. oktober kl. 17:00 i Ukraine House: Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, 1401 København K.
Stor tak til: Statens Kunstfond, Vemmetofte Klosters Fond, Wistifonden, Kvindernes Bygnings Fond, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Ege Fonden, Grete og Sigurd Pedersens Fond, Jorck’s Fond, Hoffmann og Husmans Fond og Dansk Musiker Forbund
Andre sprog
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Flere pressemeddelelser fra Ukraine House in Denmark
Ukraine House in Denmark Hosts Exclusive Event with Representative of "Wolves of Da Vinci" Battalion14.12.2024 11:13:49 CET | Pressemeddelelse
Copenhagen, 20 December 2024 — Ukraine House in Denmark is honored to welcome Andrii Kushnerov, a distinguished fighter from the legendary "Wolves of Da Vinci" battalion and a representative of the Robotic Systems Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The event will take place on December 20 at 16:00 at Strandgade 27B, Copenhagen.
Post-Release: “Heart of Earth” Event Illuminates Ukraine’s Pivotal Role in Global Food Security and Highlights the Importance and Challenges to Agricultural Recovery Amidst Russian Aggression13.12.2024 17:08:00 CET | Pressemeddelelse
Copenhagen, Denmark – On October 29, 2024 Ukraine House in Denmark and the Embassy of Ukraine in Denmark hosted a critical event to spotlight the far-reaching consequences of Russia's war on Ukraine’s agriculture and its effects on global food stability. This event brought together leading experts to discuss economic, ecological, and logistical challenges, highlighting Ukraine’s essential role in international food security and the collaborative efforts needed to restore its agricultural sector. The discussion is a part of the “Heart of Earth” exhibition program and is supported Izolyatsia foundation, Trans Europe Halles and Maly Berlin and co-financed by the #ZMINA_Rebuilding program, created with the support of the European Union in Ukraine under a dedicated call for proposals to support Ukrainian displaced people and the Ukrainian Cultural and Creative Sectors.
Christmas with Ukraine House in Denmark5.12.2024 10:14:08 CET | Pressemeddelelse
This December, explore the rich heritage of Ukraine’s Christmas through exhibitions, workshops, concerts, and films that celebrate its timeless traditions.
Ukraine House in Denmark presents Malanka: The Dance of Death and Life, inspired by the motion picture Pamfir, along with the 2024 Christmas Program.25.11.2024 10:40:33 CET | Pressemeddelelse
Ukraine House in Denmark will launch its Christmas program with the opening of the spectacular exhibition Malanka: the Dance of Death and Life. The exhibition explores the vibrant Malanka carnival, an ancient New Year’s Eve celebration with roots in Slavic mythology and agrarian customs, and its contemporary portrayal in the critically acclaimed Ukrainian film Pamfir (2022), by Dmytro Sykholytkyy-Sobchuk, produced by Oleksandra Kostina & Jane Yatsuta (Bosonfilm). Featuring more than 30 costumes and over 80 masks from the film, as well as film props, sketches, storyboards, photographs and video footage, the exhibition will immerse audiences in the colorful and symbolic world of Malanka, which is traditionally celebrated with elaborate costumed processions, dancing and singing. Date: December 5, 2024 | Time: 16:00 Location: Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, Copenhagen
Holodomor commemoration day/ Closing of the “Heart of Earth” exhibition/ “From Holodomor to hybrid warfare: the enduring weaponization of hunger” artist talk and discussion with the artist Andrii Dostliev and researchers Olena Braichenko and Maria Banko.19.11.2024 09:07:38 CET | Pressemeddelelse
Ukraine House in Denmark warmly invites everyone to join a meaningful tradition of lighting a candle in memory of the victims of the Holodomor, a man-made famine that claimed millions of lives in Ukraine in 1932–1933. This act of remembrance, observed annually, symbolizes solidarity and a commitment to preserving the memory of those who suffered. Date: November 23, 2024 | Time: 15:00–17:00 Location: Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, Copenhagen
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