Dansk Flygtningehjælp

DRC calls for the immediate de-escalation of violence in Lebanon


DRC, working both in Gaza and Lebanon, calls for the immediate de-escalation of violence in Lebanon and for the protection of civilians trying to flee.

Over 550 people have been killed as a result of Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon over the past two days, including 50 children. Lebanon, already hosting 1.5M refugees and scourged by a collapsing economy, is at the brink of collapse. 

DRC's Secretary General Charlotte Slente said that indiscriminate attacks violate international law. She added, "The UN Security Council and the General Assembly must act now to pressure parties to save lives and end hostilities. We call for adherence to International Humanitarian Law, an end to the violence, and urgent support from donors to provide aid to those affected in Lebanon."

As world leaders gather in New York for the UN General Assembly this week, they must use all available diplomatic channels to uphold international humanitarian law, call for an end to this escalation in violence, as well as for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.


Om Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Dansk Flygtningehjælp er Danmarks største NGO. Vi er samtidig en af verdens førende organisationer med speciale i at hjælpe mennesker på flugt. Vi arbejder for verdens flygtninge i 40 lande rundt om i verden.

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Dansk Flygtningehjælp fordømmer forbuddet mod at lade UNRWA operere i israelsk-kontrollerede områder29.10.2024 14:20:34 CET | Pressemeddelelse

DRC Dansk Flygtningehjælp fordømmer det israelske parlaments forbud mod at lade UNWRA operere i israelsk-kontrollerede områder (Gaza og Vestbredden inkl. Østjerusalem). Forbuddet træder i kraft i begyndelsen af 2025 og er i strid med FNs charter. Det er et åbenlyst angreb på palæstinensernes rettigheder og på FN og dets grundlæggende principper.

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