Spirii and Hubject in global collaboration to provide Plug&Charge solution
Charge Point Operators (CPOs) and eMobility Service Providers (eMSPs) can now offer end users access to the EV charging network connected to Spirii’s platform with Plug&Charge via Hubject.
The initiative aims to streamline EV charging with automatic identification and payment processing.
- Audi will be the first to implement the Plug&Charge technology through Spirii’s platform.

Copenhagen, Denmark - Spirii, a leading provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging platform solutions, today unveil a global partnership with Hubject, the EV interoperability market leader. This collaboration enables Charge Point Operators (CPOs) and eMobility Service Providers (eMSPs) to offer end users the ability to easily charge their EVs using Hubject’s Plug&Charge at stations linked to Spirii’s Connect platform. Audi is set to be the first to adopt the Plug&Charge technology via Spirii’s platform.
Hubject’s Plug&Charge technology simplifies the EV charging experience by enabling direct communication between the charging station and the vehicle. This seamless interaction facilitates automatic vehicle identification and payment processing, eliminating the need for physical payment methods and ensuring a streamlined and secure charging service.
Utilizing the Spirii platform, CPOs and eMSPs can gain from fast and reliable onboarding with Hubject’s roaming services, along with seamless integration with any hardware compliant with Plug&Charge standards.
Audi, having both the necessary hardware and software, is the first partner to adopt the technology via Spirii’s EV charging platform and has already initiated deployment at Audi charging hubs.
Tore Harritshøj, CEO and co-founder of Spirii, states, "Our partnership with Hubject on the Plug&Charge initiative represents a significant advancement in EV charging technology, enhancing the charging experience through reduced wait times and increased convenience. We’re super proud to collaborate with Hubject and to have Audi as flagship partner, thereby expanding the range of services and opportunities for CPOs and eMSPs worldwide."
Christian Hahn, Hubject CEO, adds, "By combining our efforts with Spirii, we are not only enhancing the Plug&Charge ecosystem but also driving forward the global standardization of EV charging. This is another big step toward realizing our vision of creating an accessible, user-friendly and reliable EV infrastructure and having Plug&Charge everywhere."
The collaboration between Spirii and Hubject underscores a shared commitment to driving innovation in sustainable mobility and enhancing EV charging solutions worldwide.
Karen Marie Jensen
Head of Marketing and Communications
+ 45 53 74 62 71
Stuart Barnes
Marketing & Communications
+49 152 0300 4510
About Spirii
Spirii, an Edenred company, was founded in 2019 in Copenhagen, Spirii is present in 18 markets and boasts offices in Copenhagen, Barcelona, Hamburg, Nice, and London. With a team of 110 dedicated professionals driving the future of electric mobility forward, Spirii offers a market-leading charge point management system and customized charging solutions for companies, fleets and charge point operators.
Spirii also provides a charging app for EV drivers to access a public roaming network across Europe. With an extensive partner network spanning two continents and more than 400,000 charge points through roaming agreements, Spirii serves a diverse clientele across various sectors, including logistics, fleet, real estate, retail, and energy and utility companies.
About Edenred
Edenred is a leading digital platform for services and payments and the everyday companion for people at work, connecting more than 60 million users and more than 2 million partner merchants in 45 countries via close to 1 million corporate clients.
Edenred offers specific-purpose payment solutions for food (such as meal benefits), engagement (such as gift cards and engagement platforms), mobility (such as multi-energy solutions, including EV charging, maintenance, toll and parking) and corporate payments (such as virtual cards).
True to the Group’s purpose, “Enrich connections. For good.”, these solutions enhance users’ well-being and purchasing power. They improve companies’ attractiveness and efficiency,and vitalize the employment market and the local economy. They also foster access to healthier food, more environmentally friendly products and sustainable mobility.
Edenred’s 12,000 employees are committed to making the world of work a connected ecosystem that is safer, more efficient and more responsible every day.
In 2023, thanks to its global technology assets, the Group managed €41 billion in business volume, primarily carried out via mobile applications, online platforms and cards.
Edenred is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and included in the following indices: CAC 40, CAC 40 ESG, CAC Large 60, Euronext 100, Euronext Tech Leaders, FTSE4Good and MSCI Europe.
The logos and other trademarks mentioned and featured in this press release are registered trademarks of Edenred S.E., its subsidiaries or third parties. They may not be used for commercial purposes without prior written consent from their owners.
About Hubject
Hubject simplifies the charging of electric vehicles. Its eRoaming platform connects original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), charge point operators (CPOs), and eMobility service providers (EMPs) to provide standardized access to a charging infrastructure regardless of any network. Hubject has established the world's largest eMobility charging network for electric vehicles by connecting over 725,000 charging points and more than 2,250 B2B partners across 63 countries and four continents. In addition, Hubject is a trusted consulting partner for the eMobility sector, advising automotive manufacturers, charging providers, and other EV-related businesses looking to launch eMobility services or implement Plug&Charge using ISO15118-2 and ISO15118-20. Hubject delivers end-to-end eMobility solutions to power a positive, greener environmental future. Hubject was founded in 2012 to design, develop and implement a borderless eRoaming solution through a joint venture of the BMW Group, Bosch, EnBW, Enel X Way, E.ON, Mercedes-Benz, Siemens, and the Volkswagen Group. Hubject's global headquarters is in Berlin, with North American and Asia Pacific subsidiaries based in Los Angeles and Shanghai. For more information, please visit https://www.hubject.com/
Hubject – on the road to one million networked charge points in 2024!
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