New exhibition: Reimagining our relationship with technology
The artist duo Wang & Söderström is opening the exhibition "Techno Mythologies" at the historic Christian IV's Brewery, part of the Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark. The exhibition is curated by Majken Overgaard.

COPENHAGEN, June 2024 – The artist duo Wang & Söderström is opening the exhibition "Techno Mythologies" at the historic Christian IV's Brewery, part of the Christiansborg Palace. This immersive installation reimagines our relationship with technology through an exploration of alternative narratives. In recent decades, a few dominant tech corporations have shaped our understanding of technology. These narratives, driven by commercial interests, dictate how we interact with and perceive technology. "Techno Mythologies" challenges these views, offering speculative perspectives on how contemporary art can foster new stories and empower us to reclaim agency over our technology.
Sensing the Digital
Wang & Söderström invites visitors to experience technology through a sensory lens, reconnecting it to our physical bodies. The artist duo transforms the historic spaces through colors, sounds, and scents designed specifically to engage our senses, and large-scale installations, augmented reality, and 3D animations offering a cohesive, immersive experience.
The exhibition draws upon the book "A Cyborg Manifesto,” from 1985 by American scholar and author Donna Haraway. Here she describes technology as a means to dissolve classic oppositions in Western life, such as human/technology and nature/culture. It no longer makes sense to view the digital and physical worlds, or nature and culture, as separate domains. This vision is realized in Wang & Söderström’s work. They are able to combine our sensory experiences in the physical world with our digital experiences - brining Haraway’s vision to life. - curator Majken Overgaard.
The exhibition is developed specifically with the Brewery's historic setting in mind. The building houses 384 royal sculptures from the 16th to 18th centuries. Wang & Söderström’s practice may sound far from the royal sculptures made of plaster and stone, but the historical works and the contemporary installations have the craftsmanship in common. Several of the physical installations are printed via 3D printers, but it does not resemble your typical 3D printed objects. Wang & Söderström have developed their own unique artistic methodology of working with the printed material.
In the exhibition we present speculative worlds and explore the potential of new mythologies to re-establish our connection with technology and our bodies. If the notion of the immaterial technologies can shift back towards something sensual and corporeal, perhaps it is easier for us to act critical and with more care. To dare imagine different narratives instead of letting the tech giants alone write them for us. - Wang & Söderström
‘Techno Mythologies’ invites visitors to reimagine their relationship with technology, urging a collective transformation in our understanding and interaction with each other in spaces that are both physical and digital.
About Wang & Söderström
Wang & Söderström is an acclaimed artist duo known for their visionary blending of digital and physical mediums. This approach creates new dimensions for perception of the fact that technology is an integral part of our sensory world. Their work challenges conventional boundaries and offers novel perspectives on contemporary issues through immersive installations.
Wang & Söderström consists of Anny Wang and Tim Söderström. They are both born in Sweden but are currently based in Copenhagen. Their works have been shown internationally at museums and art centers such as Ars Electronica in Linz, La Galleria Nazionale in Rome, The Design Museum in London, MMCA in Seoul, ArkDes in Stockholm and the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum in New York. In 2021, the duo received the prestigious three-year work grant from the Danish Arts Foundation, and in 2023 they won the Lumen Art Prize and The Biennale of Craft & Design Award. "Techno Mythologies" is the duo's first major solo exhibition in Denmark.
Visit Techno Mythologies
Exhibition period: 28 June – 15 September 2024
Opening: 27 June 2024, 5-9 pm
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12-6pm
Christian 4.s Bryghus
Frederiksholms Kanal 29
1220 Copenhagen
Miriam HindsgaulChristiansborg Slot
Tel:+45 20117271mhi@natmus.dkImages

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