The NIRAS Group strengthens their board with three new members
NIRAS’s newly launched strategy aims at expanding its presence in key markets across Northern Europe and other selected customer segments.
To help deliver on this, NIRAS is pleased to announce the appointment of three prominent figures to their Board: Henriette Schütze, future CFO at Gyldendal, Søren Holm Johansen, former Executive Director of the Rambøll Group, and Torsten Steenholt, Senior Vice President of Novonesis.
Their solid sector and industry experience combined with a strong commercial and international understanding enables NIRAS to accelerate and support growth, especially internationally.
Henriette Schultz is an experienced CFO with strong skills in both management and communication. She is known for her focus on execution combined with a performance- and result-oriented commercial mindset. Henriette has extensive experience from both international publicly listed and non-listed companies, including experience with board work.
Søren Holm Johansen is an experienced leader within engineering consulting. He brings extensive experience in strategic development, growth and globalisation within the engineering consulting industry. His strategic overview and insight into the engineering industry can greatly assist NIRAS in advancing growth and internationalization. Søren Holm Johansen is currently chairman and advisor for several international companies and organizations.
Torsten Steenholt is the Senior Vice President for Global Manufacturing in Novonesis. He offers valuable insights from his international management roles, including positions at Novonesis, Chr. Hansen and Carlsberg. In addition, Torsten serves on the board of several international companies.
Carsten Toft Boesen, CEO of the NIRAS Group, is very pleased with the recruitment of three such strong profiles and looks forward to working with Henriette Schütze, Søren Holm Johansen and Torsten Steenholt, stating:
"The three new board members perfectly complement the entire board in relation to the core elements of our new strategy, with a very clear focus on identity, culture, and international growth. Additionally, there are a number of specific challenges and opportunities where we in the management look forward to drawing on the members' more individual competencies."
In addition to the three new members, the Board consists of Lisbeth Knudsen (chair), Lars Therkildsen, and Jens Harsaae, who has been newly appointed as Vice-Chairman.
Carsten Toft BoesenAdministrerende direktørNIRAS
Tlf:2141 8344CTB@NIRAS.DKBilleder
NIRAS is among Scandinavia's leading consulting engineering companies.
With a broad field of expertise within process plants, industry and construction over energy, environment, water & supply to infrastructure, development aid and urban planning, NIRAS contributes to solutions to a large number of the biggest societal challenges.
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