Ukraine House in Denmark

"Voices of Dignity": En markering af toårsdagen for fuldskala invasionen af Ukraine


Ukraine House in Denmark invites you in collaboration with the Goethe Institute Denmark, Mungo Park and the Danish Cultural Institute to the special event "Voices of Dignity: poetry and music from Ukraine" on February 24 at 3:30 p.m. The event marks the second anniversary of Russia's all-out war against Ukraine and serves as an international declaration of solidarity for continued support for Ukraine, including the country's arts and culture sector. The event offers, among other things, on readings by recognized Ukrainian authors, whose texts are subsequently read aloud by, among others, Ghita Nørby, Sofie Gråbøl and Claes Bang. 

"Voices of Dignity" is the Copenhagen edition of the international initiative "Worldwide Reading of Ukrainian Literature."

"The brutality of Russian aggression over the past two years has often left the Ukrainian people without a voice, making it difficult to express the war's impact on daily life and hope for the future. Ukrainians have reassessed the value of several words that are often taken for granted in other countries: the concept of home, dignity, freedom, light, darkness, goodness and humanity.It is thanks to the modern Ukrainian generation of poets and writers that we often regain the ability to express what we feel and how to go on the fight for freedom against all odds. I am very happy that we are able to make the Danish audience aware of the voices of the brilliant Ukrainian writers. I am especially grateful to our partners and the Danish actors who will recite the Ukrainian authors' works in Danish and English in a unique act of solidarity with Ukraine," says Nataliia Popovych, head of Ukraine House in Denmark.

Renowned Ukrainian and Danish artists join forces

After Ukrainian Ambassador Andriy Yanevskyi's welcome speech, six prominent Ukrainian poets - Kateryna Kalytko, Iya Kiva, Halyna Kruk, Iryna Tsilyk, Iryna Shuvalova and Oleksandr Mykhed - will read their works in Ukrainian accompanied by a musical arrangement led by Olesya Zdorovetska. Their poetry and prose will also be recited in Danish and English by renowned Danish actors and special guests, including Ghita Nørby, Sofie Gråbøl and Claes Bang.

Regional head of the Danish Cultural Institute, Henriette Borg Reinholdt:

"That such strong Ukrainian writers and Danish actors come together to give a voice to the Ukrainian people, I think is not only beautiful, but extremely important. Here, on the second anniversary of the full-scale war, our support for the Ukrainian people and cultural life must never be doubted, therefore we are happy to send a clear message of solidarity to Ukraine via this event: We stand with you"

Theater manager for Mungo Park, Martin Lyngbo:

"Ukrainian writers fight every day to make the pen mightier than the sword. It is a fight that we at Mungo Park would like to support if we can.”

Opening of new exhibition: Mykolayiv from a young perspective

Prior to the evening of reflection and celebration of Ukrainian literature, Ukraine House will unveil the exhibition "Shared Body: Mykolayiv Young Photography", curated by Kateryna Stukalova. This exhibition showcases the vivid perspectives of young photographers from Mykolayiv and provides an insight into contemporary Ukrainian visual culture.

After the formal part, the guests are invited to take part in an informal gathering over a glass of wine, where there is an opportunity to engage in dialogue with the participating authors and photographers.

Om Voices of Dignity

"Voices of Dignity: poetry and music from Ukraine" - is an afternoon of solidarity in Copenhagen, which marks the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Six prominent Ukrainian poets and writers - Kateryna Kalytko, Iya Kiva, Halyna Kruk, Iryna Tsilyk, Iryna Shuvalova and Oleksandr Mykhed - will participate. While the Ukrainian authors read their poetry and prose in Ukrainian, their texts will subsequently be read in Danish and English by well-known Danish actors and special guests, including Ghita Nørby, Sofie Gråbøl, Claes Bang, Mia Lerdam and Nicklas Søderberg Lundstrøm. The evening is accompanied by a musical arrangement by Olesya Zdorovetska.

Ukraine House in Denmark, Goethe Institute Denmark, Mungo Park and the Danish Cultural Institute are hosting this event, which is an international statement of support for Ukraine's art and culture scene.

Date and time: 24 February, 15:30-19:00

Location: Strandgade 27B, Copenhagen


The event is free, but it is possible to make a voluntary donation of DKK 50.




Om Ukraine House in Denmark

Ukraine House in Denmark er en ukrainsk kulturinstitution med en mission om at styrke det ukrainsk-danske samarbejde inden for kultur og kreative industrier for at skabe bæredygtig fred i Europa baseret på fælles værdier. Siden starten har et internationalt frivilligt team været vært for mere end 5.000 gæster, afholdt 4 udstillinger med moderne ukrainsk kunst og krigstidsarkitektur, organiseret mere end 50+ paneldiskussioner med deltagelse af 70+ ukrainske og danske parlamentarikere, journalister, kunstnere, arkitekter og andre meningsdannere, integreret ukrainsk indhold i førende danske kulturelle platforme, såsom Copenhagen Democracy Summit, Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Kulturnatten mv. 
For mere information, besøg venligst: eller vores sociale medier

Tirsdag - fredag 16:00 - 19:00

Lørdag - søndag 12:00 - 18:00 


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