Danish Energy Agency

The Danish Energy Agency initiates the second public consultation regarding the plan for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm


Call for remarks on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the plan for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF). A public meeting about the consultation material will be held in Gilleleje on 19 March 2024.

Illustration: Planning and pre-investigation area for Hesseloe Offshore Windfarm.
Illustration: Planning and pre-investigation area for Hesseloe Offshore Windfarm. Danish Energy Agency

The Danish Energy Agency invites the public, companies, authorities and other interested in the coming Hesselø OWF to submit remarks on the SEA of the plan for the revised southern location of Hesselø OWF.

The public consultation of the revised SEA of the plan for Hesselø OWF runs from the 5 February to 5 April 2024.

In connection with the consultation, a public meeting will be held in Gilleleje, where the results of the environmental report will be presented. The public meeting will be held on 19 March from 16.00 - 19.00 in Kulturhavn Gilleleje, Peter Fjeldstrup's vej 12, 3250 Gilleleje. There will be a presentation at 17.00. It is not necessary to register for the public meeting.

Read relevant hearing material, information on how to submit inputs to the hearing etc. (Link in danish)

The further process for Hesselø OWF

After the consultation, the Danish Energy Agency will examine the remarks, and if necessary update the plan accordingly. Hereafter, the Danish Energy Agency will make a SEA Summary Statement and publish the final plan.

In parallel to the SEA, Energinet (Danish TSO) is conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the land-based part of the project. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency expects mid-2024 to issue the EIA-permit (§ 25 of the Danish Environmental Assessment Act) for the land-based part of the project, provided that the EIA-process allows the project to be carried out.

The final tender material is expected to be published during the spring of 2024, with an expected final tender deadline in February 2025. The EIA of the sea-based part of the project is expected to be carried out in 2025-2027 when the winner of the tender for Hesselø OWF has been found: the scoping phase is expected to be in 2025 and the 2nd public consultation on the EIA report is expected to be in 2027. Later in 2027, the Danish Energy Agency expects to issue the construction license (EIA-permit) for Hesselø OWF, provided that the EIA-process allows the project to be carried out.


  • Hesselø OWF will have an installed capacity of 800 – 1,200 MW.
  • The turbines will be located in Hesselø Bay in the Kattegat at a distance of approximately 30 km from Zealand, 30 km from Anholt, 35 km from Djursland and 33 km from Sweden.
  • Offshore export cables will run to the landfall at Gilbjerg Hoved in North Zealand. Near Pårup, a new high voltage power station will potentially be constructed. From the station, the electricity will be exported through onshore-buried cables towards the existing high voltage power station Hovegaard north of Ballerup. This station will be extended.
  • Deadline for full commissioning of the wind farm is by the end of 2029.


Special Advisor, Randi Lucie Aliaga (rla@ens.dk), (+45) 33 92 78 35

Advisor, Anders Møller Jørgensen (anmj@ens.dk), (+45) 33 95 51 13


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