Danish Energy Agency

Invite for National Info Day on the EU Innovation Fund Call and Auction


On January 18th, Danish stakeholders are invited to a National Info Day on the recently opened EU Innovation Fund Call and the first EU Innovation Fund Auction. 

Graphic: IF23 calls announcements
IF23 calls announcements. The Danish Energy Agency, EUDP

Recently, the EU Innovation Fund launched a new call with a € 4 billion budget (IF23 Call) and the first EU-wide auction (IF23 Auction) for the production of renewable hydrogen totaling € 800 million.   

In this light, Danish project developers, project promoters as well as other interested stakeholders now have the opportunity to attend a high-level orientation day and receive guidance about the IF23 Call and IF23 Auction.  

The event, organized by The Danish Energy Agency in cooperation with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and EU Commission’s Representation in Denmark, takes place in Copenhagen on the 18th of January 2024.

One-to-one sessions

In addition to the general orientation, the info day also offers attendees the opportunity of a 20-minute one-to-one session, where Danish project developers and project promoters interested in applying for this program at the current open call and auction.  

During these session it will be possible to discuss project proposals and ask representatives from CINEA specific question.

The project developers can get detailed information on the call for applications, e.g. potential project outline and questions related to the call text in general, but not project specific questions.

Please note that there are limited time slots for the one-to-one sessions, where separate registration is necessary.

Time slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If a time slot is available, project developers will receive a confirmation e-mail with further details regarding the one-to-one meeting.

Event details and registration

Event details
Venue Danish Energy Agency
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Date Thursday, 18th of January 2024

Info meeting: 13:00-15:00 CET

One-to-one sessions: 09:00-12:00 and 15:00-16:00 CET

Form In-person
Language English

Register to participate in the info meeting  through this link.
Please register no later than Tuesday, 16th of January 2024.

A request for one-to-one session  must be sent through this link.
Please send your request no later than Tuesday, 9th of January 2024.

Preliminary agenda


One-to-one sessions*





Welcome and introduction speech by:

Mr. Claus Henrik Andersen, Head of Secretariat, Danish Energy Agency

Mr. Stefan Welin, Deputy Head of Representation, EU Commission’s Representation in Denmark


Presentation of the IF23 Call and IF23 Auction Deep dive: Award criteria

  • Degree of innovation
  • GHG emission Avoidance potential
  • Technical, financial and operational maturity
  • Replicability
  • Cost efficiency


Mr. Roman Doubrava, Head of Unit Innovation Fund, CINEA

Mr. Alban Vital, Senior Financial Engineering Manager, CINEA




One-to-one sessions*

*Limited time slots. Separate registration necessary.


More information about the call can be found on the Danish Energy Agency’s website regarding the EU Innovation Fund.

For any questions regarding the event, please contact:

Eleni Borisova, National contact point (NCP)
+45 33 92 66 66

Kathrine Roaldsdatter Fink  
+45 33 92 77 98



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