Danish Energy Agency

The Danish Energy Agency invites potential applicants to an information meeting about the upcoming application process regarding licenses for exploration and storage of CO2 onshore


Before the end of 2023, The Danish Energy Agency will open a licensing round for exploration and storage of CO2 onshore. Therefore, the Danish Energy Agency now invites potential applicants to an information meeting about the application process.

In continuation of the political agreement on Aftale om styrkede rammevilkår for CCS I Danmark from September 2023, the Danish Energy Agency has the political mandate to open an onshore licensing round for exploration and storage of CO2 before the end of 2023.

Therefore, the Danish Energy Agency now invites potential applicants to an information meeting on the application process.

The information meeting will take place on Wednesday December 13th from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, at the Danish Energy Agency, Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 Copenhagen V, in the meeting room on the ground floor. The information meeting will be in English.

At the meeting, the Danish Energy Agency, Nordsøfonden, and GEUS will inform about the requirements and application process regarding licenses for exploration and geological storage of CO2.

Licenses for exploration and use of the subsoil for geological storage of CO2 can be granted in five onshore areas.

Registration and virtual attendance

Please be advised that registration is required. Register by providing name and organization/affiliation in an email sent to ccs-lagring@ens.dk. Furthermore, participants must register at reception upon arrival.

It is also possible to participate virtually. In this case, please state it when registering. A link to the virtual meeting room will be provided, when we confirm your attendance. 

Participation is free.


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