Columbus Global

New analysis of Columbus’ financial results for Q3 2023 and new strategy; New Heights

Columbus' financial report for Q3 2023
Columbus' financial report for Q3 2023

The stock analysis firm, Aktieinfo, has just published an analysis of Columbus’ results for Q3 2023 and the newly published strategy - New Heights. The analysis concludes, among other things, that:

"After ten consecutive quarters of growth and maintaining guidance for 2023 with organic growth expected to be between 8-12% and an EBITDA margin of 7.4-9.0%, Columbus concludes the strategic plan Focus23. All goals have been achieved. Now, new ambitious yet achievable goals are set for the period 2024-26, anticipating an annual average organic growth of 10% and a significant improvement in the EBITDA margin to 15% by 2026. Columbus is thus taking a step towards 'New Heights' for revenue, earnings, and stock prices."

The analysis can we found here (in Danish):


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Strong Q3 Interim Report, new ambitious growth targets for 2024-2026 and new focus on Life Science15.11.2023 09:18:19 CET | Pressemeddelelse

In the third quarter of 2023, Columbus once again delivered impressive organic top-line growth of 15% (excluding acquisitions and currency), and the increase in operating profit (EBITDA) was as much as 28%. Columbus has created a solid foundation for the upcoming strategy period – New Heights – which in particular will focus on boosting profitability with an EBITDA margin of 15% by the end of 2026. Columbus expects 10% compounded annual growth in 2024 – 2026.

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