Dantaxi 4x48 A/S

Dantaxi's 600+ EV taxis will reach a distance of 50 million kilometres by 2023


Dantaxi, Denmark's largest taxi company, has surpassed EV taxi number 600 in their fleet. The number of electric taxis in Dantaxi has increased from 412 at the turn of the year to 610, which is an increase of 48%. By 2023, the company's electric taxis will have covered more than 50 million kilometres on Danish roads. 

An new electric taxi is being prepared
An new electric taxi is being prepared

The 600+ EV taxis are distributed across a total of 16 different car brands, two more than a year ago when the company carried out a similar count. Citroen and MG are Dantaxi's newest electric car brands.

Volkswagen was the brand with the most EV taxis at Dantaxi in 2022, followed by Mercedes and Tesla. However, this year, Mercedes has taken first place, with Volkswagen and Tesla relegated to second and third place. Hyundai, Skoda, and Kia follow in the subsequent three places.


Taxi drivers are demanding reliability
Mr Jan Britze is a driver at Dantaxi and he has chosen Mercedes. Jan explains that when choosing a taxi, taxi drivers emphasise reliable workshop service and the importer's knowledge of the industry. Jan Britze, who was one of the first in Denmark to drive an electric taxi 10 years ago, believes that the trend of more and more electric cars as taxis will continue:

 - I'm not particularly surprised that the number of electric taxis has increased by 48% in 11 months. In fact, I'm sure that this development will continue and that most taxis will be electric in a few years' time," he says.  

10 years with electric taxis
It has now been ten years since the first electric taxis appeared on the streets of Denmark. The first electric taxi was delivered to Dantaxi in 2013. By 2015, Dantaxi drivers in Nykøbing Mors acquired three electric cars. In 2023, one of them travelled almost a million kilometres before it was replaced. In 2021, working with E.ON, the largest charging hub for electric taxis in the Nordic region, was opened by Dantaxi.

Status November 2023
The company has a total of 610 electric taxis out of a fleet of approximately 1,900 taxis. The number has increased from 412 as of January 1th, 2023 to 610 as of 22th of November 2023.

Dantaxi's fleet of EV taxis includes EVs from the following manufacturers:

  • Mercedes
  • Volkswagen
  • Tesla
  • Hyundai
  • Skoda
  • Kia
  • Ford
  • Airways
  • Nissan
  • Toyota
  • Cupra
  • Audi
  • BMW
  • MG
  • Polestar
  • Citroen



Taxi driver Jan Britze estimates that the positive development in the number of electric vehicles in the taxi industry will continue.
Taxi driver Jan Britze estimates that the positive development in the number of electric vehicles in the taxi industry will continue.
MG is the latest electric car brand to be registered as a taxi in Denmark's largest taxi company. Two drivers have so far chosen MG as their taxi.
MG is the latest electric car brand to be registered as a taxi in Denmark's largest taxi company. Two drivers have so far chosen MG as their taxi.
An new electric taxi from Dantaxi is being prepared
An new electric taxi from Dantaxi is being prepared

About Dantaxi

•    Dantaxi is Denmark's largest taxi company with 1,900 taxis connected.

•    The company provides taxi services in 76 of Denmark's 98 municipalities.

•    Dantaxi is part of Moove Group, which was formed in April 2022 with the aim of creating a modern, competitive mobility company that is not limited to specific modes of transportation.

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