News from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

New reconstruction package ensuring heat for Ukrainians


With soon freezing temperatures in Ukraine, the challenge of providing heat to homes impacted by the war is increasingly urgent. The population is preparing for a new Russian campaign of attacks targeting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in the coming winter months. Therefore, Denmark is supporting the Ukrainians with a EURO 40.2 million reconstruction package that, among other things, will provide 20 mobile heating boilers for the city of Mykolaiv and fund repairs to Mykolaiv’s existing central heating system.

“The Ukrainians are facing a tough period. And we in Denmark will continue to help. In the coming months, energy supply will be among the most important areas of action. We are supporting the wider reconstruction efforts in the country, including with a continued focus on Mykolaiv Region and City. The consequences of the war are grave for many Ukrainians.

“I am pleased that Denmark can help make a difference for a people fighting a tough battle for their freedom,” says Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan Jørgensen.

The effort is part of the second reconstruction package from Denmark to Ukraine since the launch of the Ukraine Fund in the spring of 2023. On Monday, Dan Jørgensen presented the EURO 40.2 million package together with Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration, Oleksandr Kubrakov, at the steering committee meeting for the Denmark-Mykolaiv cooperation.

Background Reconstruction package II

In addition to support for heating in Ukraine, the EURO 40.2 million will go to:

  • The European Investment Bank’s activities for critical social infrastructure in Ukraine.

  • Support for Local Government Denmark to facilitate cooperation between Ukrainian and Danish municipalities, including between Aalborg and Mykolaiv Municipality.

  • Danish civil society organisations’ work to strengthen Ukrainian civil society and early reconstruction of critical social infrastructure and civil institutions in Mykolaiv city and region.

During the previous winter, Russia carried out massive attacks with missiles and drones targeting the Ukrainian energy sector. The Ukrainian authorities and energy companies have made great efforts to repair the damage and prepare as best possible for the coming winter, but the energy system is vulnerable to new attacks.

For more information, contact Rasmus Baastrup Nielsen, Press Manager for the Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, on tel. +45 21 63 30 44 or

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