Danish Energy Agency

The Danish Energy Agency invites to market dialogue on conditions for a minimum of 9 GW of new offshore wind before 2030


The Danish Energy Agency is today publishing the draft procurement material for the upcoming procurement of 6 GW and 3 GW of offshore wind at Energy Island Bornholm, with the option to overplant. The procurement material is subject to a market dialogue with the relevant market players, which will take place over the coming months.

Illustration: Offshore Wind farms in Denmark
Illustration: Offshore Wind farms in Denmark Danish Energy Agency

The draft procurement material is the implementation of the political supplementary agreement, which was adopted on May 30, 2023, and outlines the framework for the development of the minimum 9 GW offshore wind before the end of 2030.

The market dialogue is in collaboration with Energinet

The market dialogue is held in collaboration with Energinet (the Danish TSO) and will be conducted in a written format, where potential tenderers and economic operators are given the opportunity to contribute directly with input and proposals for the preliminary procurement material.

See the draft procurement documents for 6 GW offshore wind farms published through EU-Supply.

See the draft procurement documents for Energy Island Bornholm.

Be aware that there might be a delay in publication of the notice in Tenders Electronic Daily (supplement to the Official Journal of the EU), hence the links to the draft of the procurement material might be unavailable until the notice is published in Tenders Electronic Daily. It can take up to 48 hours.

The Danish Energy Agency welcomes written comments before the end of August 2023. All communication with the participants in the market dialogue will take place through EU-Supply, which is continuously updated with new information. It is possible to submit comments and attach documents in the message module in EU-Supply.

Technical workshops

As part of the market dialogue, The Danish Energy Agency will, together with Energinet facilitate two technical workshops on requirements regarding the grid connection in case of overplanting. These workshops will take place in Copenhagen on August 29, 2023 for the 6 GW (radial parks) and on September 6, 2023 for the Energy Island Bornholm. Further information and registration for the workshops is published on EU-Supply at the beginning of August 2023.

The further process

The final procurement material is expected to be published by the turn of the year with expected deadline for the best and final offer by the end of 2024 for the wind farms the North Sea, Hesselø and Energy Island Bornholm and in first half of 2025 for Kattegat and Kriegers Flak II.


On May 30, 2023, the Danish government and a broad majority of political parties agreed upon a supplementary agreement on tender frameworks for 6 GW of offshore wind and 3 GW at Bornholm Energy Island. The agreement outlines the overall framework for the upcoming procurement of minimum 9 GW offshore wind

Read the agreement (in Danish).

Read the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Supply's press release (in Danish).

The 9 GW are located as follows:

  • Minimum 3 GW at Energy Island Bornholm
  • Minimum 3 GW in the North Sea I
  • Minimum 1 GW at Kattegat
  • Minimum 1 GW at Kriegers Flak II
  • 0.8-1.2 GW at Hesselø.


Read more about the 6 GW and 3 GW at Energy Island Bornholm.

News about Energy Island Bornholm

You can register and unsubscribe from news about the procurement process by writing to this email:offshorewindfarms@ens.dk




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