Dolmen Engineering changes its name to NIRAS Ireland
The Irish company Dolmen Engineering changes its name to NIRAS Ireland on June 14th, 2023. Dolmen Engineering was acquired by the international consultancy company NIRAS in 2022. With the full integration of the companies, NIRAS aims at strengthening its position within the European Life Sciences and Food & Beverage sectors and is able to offer fully integrated services.
![Managing Director Niall Corrigan. NIRAS Ireland office.](/data/images/public/13559205/13695384/1ad70c2a-a38e-4399-b9af-3194b8c2f9c4-w_720.jpg)
Dolmen Engineering is changing its name to NIRAS Ireland with immediate effect. Since Dolmen Engineering was acquired by NIRAS in 2022, the companies have cooperated ever more closely, and consequently the next natural step is to merge the two business units under the NIRAS brand.
NIRAS is a leading consultant to the Danish Pharma and Life Sciences industry and the company provides consultancy to leading Food and Beverage companies worldwide.
“Since Dolmen Engineering joined NIRAS in 2022, there has been a tremendous effort to fully integrate the company into NIRAS. We have now reached the point where the two companies are fully integrated, and therefore it makes sense to take the next step and rename Dolmen Engineering as NIRAS Ireland as a reflection of this unity,” says senior vice president in NIRAS, Thomas B. Olsen.
Seamless integration into NIRAS
Merging two companies from two different countries can prove a challenging task, but according to Thomas B. Olsen the integration has been very smooth and satisfactory.
“There has been a great willingness from our employees in both Ireland and Denmark to make Dolmen Engineering a fully integrated part of NIRAS. This has shown NIRAS’s capacity to welcome new colleagues on board and to make everybody work together as a team. With the name change, we are demonstrating our clear ambition to take our position as a leading independent advisor to the Life Science industry in Denmark abroad and expand our markets further,” says Thomas B. Olsen.
For Niall Corrigan, managing director of NIRAS Ireland, the merger has also been a surprisingly easy task:
“I have to say, it has been a wonderful experience to form part of NIRAS, both on a personal level for myself and the employees, but also from a business perspective. We have seen that the integration has happened very seamlessly on all levels. We are offering services to NIRAS in Denmark with their existing client base. Likewise, NIRAS has also provided us with the opportunity to provide additional services, and this has gone down really well with our clients in Ireland.”
NIRAS Ireland now has a full suite of service for the pharma and life science sector
With the integration, NIRAS Ireland has for the past year have added additional competencies regarding Engineering Design, Project Management, Commissioning / Qualification / Validation, and Contract Services.
“During the last year, we have experienced an excellent cooperation between our offices in Ireland, Denmark and other countries. We have been proven right in our assumption that Dolmen Engineering and NIRAS would form a perfect match in terms of expertise areas, professional capacities, and access to different markets. We can draw on a complete set of expertise, not least process industry experts in Denmark, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom. With this name change, we want to emphasize that NIRAS is one company that offers a complete suite of services and can serve as one-stop consultancy shop for the Irish, British and European Life Sciences and food and beverage sectors,” says Niall Corrigan.
Niall CorriganManaging DirectorNIRAS Ireland
Tel:+353 949026821Tel:+353 87 1675979niall@dolmenengineering.comThomas B. OlsenSenior Vice President, Process IndustryNIRAS Group
Tel:+45 3071 3961THBO@niras.dkImages
Facts about NIRAS Ireland
NIRAS Ireland is an Engineering Consultancy specializing in the execution of projects in the Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences Industry. NIRAS Ireland was founded as Dolmen Engineering in 2014, and in the following years it expanded its expertise to address all aspects of innovative design solution integration from Feasibility Analysis and Conceptual Design, Detailed Design, Automation, Project Execution and Management, to Commissioning, Qualification and Validation. Dolmen Engineering has become a full-service provider to household names in the various Life Sciences sectors. In 2022, the company was acquired by international consultancy NIRAS, and on June 14th, 2023, the company changed its name to NIRAS Ireland.
Facts about NIRAS
NIRAS is an international multi-disciplinary consultancy company that was founded in 1956 in Denmark.
NIRAS have 2,500 employees, 51 offices in 31 countries, and projects in 108 countries.
NIRAS is one of Denmark’s leading consultants to the pharma and life science industry. The company also works on industry projects all over the world, ranging from South Korea’s largest dairy factory to Canada’s largest poultry processing plant to breweries in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. NIRAS’ key clients include some of the leading Danish Pharmaceutical and Food & Beverage companies.
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