Dantaxi 4x48 A/S

In one year, the number of electric taxis at Denmark's largest taxi company has increased by 75%

10 years ago, the first electric taxis appeared in Denmark, but the number was limited in the first years. Since 2019, however the development has gained momentum and in Copenhagen, half of the taxis of Denmark's largest taxi company, Dantaxi, now run on electricity. Dantaxi's CEO Carsten Aastrup, expects the company to have a zero-emission fleet of taxis by 2025.
In Copenhagen, half of the taxis of Denmark's largest taxi company, Dantaxi, now run on electricity.
In Copenhagen, half of the taxis of Denmark's largest taxi company, Dantaxi, now run on electricity.

The green transition from diesel taxis to electric taxis is happening at a pace that few other industries can match. At Dantaxi, the number of electric taxis nationwide has gone from 290 to over 500 in just one year, an increase of 75%. The high growth is due to several factors, explains the company's CEO Carsten Aastrup:

"The charging infrastructure has improved significantly and there is a wider range of suitable car models available for taxi use. We also notice an increasing demand for electric taxis among business customers. In addition, the taxi industry is subject to political regulations that set environmental requirements for the types of vehicles that can be used as taxis, which also plays a role."

The electrification of Denmark's largest taxi fleet

Although development is moving fast, there is still some way to go before all of the company's 1,900 taxis are electrified. This week, Dantaxi is marking the 10th anniversary of electric taxis with an event for taxi drivers. According to the CEO, the purpose is to raise awareness of electric taxi among those taxi drivers who still use diesel. Together with other initiatives, it will electrify Denmark's largest taxi fleet:

"Through a special event for our taxi drivers, we want to inspire those who still drive on diesel. We are striving to achieve our ambition of a zero-emission fleet of taxis by 2025, which requires efforts in several areas. For example, in 2021, in collaboration with E.ON, we decided to establish the largest charging hub for electric taxis in the Nordics. This has been our most significant initiative for the green transition, and has meant that a large proportion of our vehicles have been able to charge without using public charging points," concludes Carsten Aastrup.

10 years of electric taxis in Dantaxi

The first electric taxi in Dantaxi started operating in 2013. In 2015, Dantaxi-drivers in the city Nykøbing Mors acquired three electric cars. One of them managed to drive almost one million kilometer before it was replaced in 2023.

In 2021, Dantaxi, in collaboration with E.ON, opened the Nordic region's largest charging hub for electric taxis, called Danhub. The capacity of the Danhub is to charge 400 taxis per day.

By May 2023, Dantaxi have more than 500 electric taxis out of a total fleet of 1900 taxis. The three most popular electric car brands among the company's taxi drivers are Mercedes, VW and Tesla.



In Copenhagen, half of the taxis of Denmark's largest taxi company, Dantaxi, now run on electricity.
In Copenhagen, half of the taxis of Denmark's largest taxi company, Dantaxi, now run on electricity.
The capacity of the Danhub is to charge 400 taxis per day.
The capacity of the Danhub is to charge 400 taxis per day.
Carsten Aastrup, CEO, Dantaxi
Carsten Aastrup, CEO, Dantaxi

About Dantaxi 4x48 A/S

Dantaxi 4x48 A/S
Dantaxi 4x48 A/S
Krogshøjvej 49
2880 Bagsværd

48 48 48 48https://dantaxi.dk/

•    Dantaxi is Denmark's largest taxi company with 1,900 taxis connected.

•    The company provides taxi services in 76 of Denmark's 98 municipalities.

•    Dantaxi is part of Moove Group, which was formed in April 2022 with the aim of creating a modern, competitive mobility company that is not limited to specific modes of transportation.

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