Mentech becomes authorized Lenovo Think-series service provider in Denmark
Mentech, a leading electronics service provider in the Nordics, has announced that they have become an authorized Lenovo Think-series service provider. This means that all companies and organizations using products from the Lenovo Think-series can now receive correct and authorized service from Mentech.
With more and more workplaces using Lenovo Think-series products, it has become crucial to address the fact that electronics are increasingly present in everyday life. It is important for companies to ensure that there is a reliable electronics service provider who can repair their computers if they break down.
Therefore, Mentech has prioritized this authorization highly to help numerous workplaces establish a sustainable approach to electronics. "We are very proud to offer authorized Lenovo Think-series service to our customers. We believe that it is our responsibility to help companies move in a sustainable direction when it comes to electronics", a spokesperson for Mentech said.
Mentech's focus on sustainability has also been recognized in the business world, as they were recently featured in the top 50 cases in Børsen's Sustainable Cases 2023. At the same time, Mentech also offers the same service for globally recognized electronics brands such as Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Motorola, and Acer. This is to the advantage of customers, as it means that they have skilled technicians who have access to the brands' own test systems and programs to ensure the quality of their work on customers' electronics. These services range from on-site technicians to digital innovative solutions for companies.
For more information about Mentech, visit their website:
Marcus HaglundMentech Group
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