
Spirii named World’s Best GreenTech Startup

International eMobility platform Spirii has been named “Best GreenTech Startup” at the Global Startup Awards. Spirii now joins the ranks of the past Startup of the Year winners like Pleo and Turbine.
Tore Harritshøj and Torben Fog, Co-founders in Spirii
Tore Harritshøj and Torben Fog, Co-founders in Spirii

Pioneering eMobility platform Spirii won the prestigious GreenTech prize amid fierce competition from a host of eco-friendly worldwide start-ups, each of which had qualified for the final via national and regional wins.

A jury of seven industry experts crowned the company winner thanks to its efforts of facilitating a global network of charging stations, contributing to future-proof infrastructure and sustainable mobility across industries and 14 countries.

“Spirii was given the highest score because they have accelerated the transition towards electric vehicles,” the jury says, “which is an inevitable and global market trend. They have developed a solution that simplifies EV charging and enables an intelligent transition towards sustainable transportation for everyone, everywhere.”

Spirii was founded in 2019 by Tore Harritshøj and Torben Fog, former regional CEO and Head of eMobility at E.ON – one of Europe’s largest private energy groups.

“We’re incredibly proud that Spirii, in only a few short years, has earned the title of the world’s best green tech start-up,” Tore says.

“Our vision with Spirii is to liberate and accelerate the EV charging market, and to do so across industries and markets by enabling multiple players to take part in the transition towards sustainable transportation. And that, in turn, means mitigating some of the biggest challenges of our time: air pollution and climate change. So this award is a substantial milestone on our continued quest.”

Spirii was awarded the prize at the finals of the ninth Global Startup Awards, bringing together the world’s most forward-thinking entrepreneurs, sustainability experts, and industry leaders.

This year, the Danish Minister for Enterprise, Morten Bødskov (S), also participated and presenting the award to Spirii.

Read more about Spirii 




Tore Harritshøj and Torben Fog, Co-founders in Spirii
Tore Harritshøj and Torben Fog, Co-founders in Spirii
Tore Harritshøj and Torben Fog, Co-founders in Spirii
Tore Harritshøj and Torben Fog, Co-founders in Spirii

About Spirii

Bragesgade 8b
2200 København N

38 171 500https://www.spirii.com

Spirii tilbyder en eMobility platform, der gør opladning af elbiler mere smart og enkel. Spirii har i mange år arbejdet indgående med elbiler og opladningsteknologi og udvikler fremtidens ladeløsninger, der gør det lettere for alle at skifte til elbil eller selv tilbyde ladeløsninger til egne brugere. Spiriis intelligente, cloud-baserede platform er drevet af markedsledende teknologi designet til at reducere omkostninger ved etablering af ladeinfrastruktur og gøre brugeroplevelsen smartere og enklere og vi arbejder ud fra princippet om, at ladenetværket skal være åbent, transparent og tilgængeligt for alle elbilister - derhjemme, på arbejdspladsen, i byer og på farten. 

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Globale Partnerschaft: Spirii und Hubject ermöglichen Plug&Charge sowie Roaminglösungen22.7.2024 07:30:00 CEST | Pressemeddelelse

Ladeinfrastrukturbetreiber und E-Mobilitätsanbieter können ihren Kunden jetzt Zugang zu einem breiten Ladenetzwerk bieten – ermöglicht durch Spirii’s Plattform und Plug&Charge Lösungen von Hubject. Ziel der Initiative ist es, das Laden von E-Autos durch automatische Identifizierung und Zahlungsabwicklung noch einfacher zu machen. Audi wird das erste Unternehmen sein, das die Plug&Charge-Technologie über die Plattform von Spirii implementiert.

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